off topic, but I saw you mentioned vr on other post so wondering wether you considered setting up vr mocap? For casual hobbyist like me stuff like glycon3d in enticing though I don’t know what type of mocap you’re after.
off topic, but I saw you mentioned vr on other post so wondering wether you considered setting up vr mocap? For casual hobbyist like me stuff like glycon3d in enticing though I don’t know what type of mocap you’re after.
I wish it actually happens, but I also fear something akin to regeional dictators helping each other consolidate their power.
I skimmed the article, scrolled down but people hasn’t mentioned its mechanically Chain mail in atomic scale yet? Did I read it wrong?
Glad to see mentions to Peter Watts. His view of humanity is dry and take on real world is even grimmer, but it’s intriguing and backed by science. Also I’m the one of people dying to know what he said at the end of his lecture.
I don’t know where you get the information tho, it’s factually false.
Japanese have have /h/, /ç/, /ɸ/ consonants in ハ行 (written as ha - hi - fu or hu -he - ho but pronounced differently). The consonant /ɸ/ is generally transcribed as f in alphabet.
フ(f+u) is the only letter that pronaunce /ɸ/ in regular ハ行, but ファ行 (f + other vowels) indicates sounds with /ɸ/.
Transcription of wifi in Japanese is ワイファイ, not ワイハイ.
Some mushrooms can be poisonous after 24h, just in case. angel wing mushroom shows no digestive symptoms but encephalopathy after 2 day to 1 month of latent period. The mushroom was known to be edible for a long time. Were it not for full screening for encephalopathy cases (enforced due to SARS spread back in 2004), it could’ve remain “edible” still now.
Shchedryk (Ukranian original version of Carol of the Bells) comes to mind. Folk rhymes better with their original tongue in general
Does anybody knows whose art of back painting? or is it AI stuff?
It photoshopped and swapped original image to match this situation but I couldn’t find it.
You are likely to only refer more than current era. If you’re writing govmet grant application, renewing licence or certificate, chances are you mention events hapenned in previous era. You look up table for when the previous era started and ended, which era said year falls into, then convert for each year, each era. Extra minutes wasted every time instead of simply writing in Gregorian year.
Reiwa era enters the chat
Most of Japanese hates the arbitary currender year resetting at each new emperor enthronrment. The conversion is ass and no one knows when it changes (bound to emperor’s health) . Worst is its official year that govmt body accepts.
And all the mining waste are dumped in space, where people thought out of human’s reach so it’s safe to leave it there, until proven otherwise. I may be pessimistic, but if such technological advance made it will likely expand region of human activity and thus history repeats.
B looks classy small lady’s hat.
What I hear is mostly water pipes. Commercial buildings have them concentrated in bathrooms and hard to split for each residence.
I know there are bathroom less really cheap places but that attract type of people which property management/urban development corps dont want so they may also be reluctant for that change.
Your own learning resources + Anki.
However, this requires significantly larger amount of work compared to said learning apps, which has establisged learning course in form of easily digestable chunk.
You need to digest textbook and such on your own into small chunks, then Anki cards. It’s essentially building course by yourself.
Fluent Forever from Gabriel Wymer gives some idea on how to utilize Anki, though the author moved to build his own closed source app.
Octopuses too. Excellent problem solving, retaining long-term and short-term memory, recognizing how mirror works and so forth.
But they’re delicious.
IP certainly means protection, though it favors big corps than individuals.
I’m all for those creative professionals. I get why people are upset about their work being used without their consent, especially from people who contracted to provide their work. It’s been used to exactly cut such jobs against them.
But to combat the situation tighting IP law doesn’t seem to be the right tool.
Artists, writers, creative professionals arguments on generative AI being copyright infringement is moot. They should simply rally with underpaid third-world AI training (tagging) personel to ask for labour compensation, maybe proposing continuous micropayment for individuals.
Using engagement for metric will ofc render algorithmic feed “better”, i.e. addictive. Their value is not about mental wellbeing.
Thats fair. TBH mocap data cleanup is also a hassle and I haven’t decided to delve deeper into that. CMU has mocap data with permissive license you may find it interesting if you haven’t already.