You had me a ‘low budget’ … this brought a tear to my eye … such drama … such dedication … beautiful
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
You had me a ‘low budget’ … this brought a tear to my eye … such drama … such dedication … beautiful
All four of them carved onto a sacred natural site known to the Plains Indigenous people of the area as the ‘Six Grandfathers’
Yeah … can’t take Turnip’s or America’s word for anything any more … it’s just a land of rage, anxiety, lies and stupidity … from it’s politicians and it’s people
I prefer the OG
I have a friend of mine who labels his home wifi devices like …
OPP in our province stands for Ontario Provincial Police
Meanwhile, whatever no name corp has a fully loaded container of whatever material in the cargo hold under the aircraft that probably wasn’t scanned, screened or checked because the airport, airline and loading companies all work on a system of trust in order to ship and load everything as fast as possible.
So … what is the leading alternative browser then?
One of the reasons Firefox became so popular was that it was an alternative.
Now that they’re drifting towards something we don’t like … what is the new alternative?
… worst level so far!
No … the US empire will expand and grow more wealthy … the only issue is the US empire has nothing to do with the US people, it has everything to do with US corporations and wealthy owners.
The fun part is that the same thing is happening with the Russians … their empire has nothing to do with their people and everything to do with their corporations and wealthy owners.
This all has nothing to do with people … it has everything to do with money.
Google giving you saran wrap and telling you it’s an invisibility cloak … then you go wandering around naked with confidence.
Exactly he ain’t no saint … Donaldgrad
They’ll probably choose someone older than McConnell to replace him
Tacky as hell
At least Nazi Germany hired actual artists and designers to create stunning and awe inspiring designs and artwork using quality materials (and no I am not glorifying those monsters)
MAGA just go to the local print shop and skim off any premade imagery and use AI to mash it all together on the cheapest poster they can buy.
Robotics and AI are becoming more and more human
Humans are racing towards becoming the dumbest intelligence on the planet
We should be crossing paths soon
No it isn’t, your doctors lying
Have you ever heard of Joe Weider the Lifter?
Judge for yourselves … pretty blatant Nazi salute if I’ve ever seen one. Short and quick but it was a plainly obvious gesture.
1930s German Nazis would have laughed at it for being so pitiful and weak but it was there from what I saw.
If the linked time doesn’t work … scroll through to the end of his 15 minute speech at 8:16:32
From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.
Will Durant
GOP “By giving tax cuts to the rich, eventually some time in the future, it will mean you might get health care … somehow … which is why we need to give tax cuts to the rich”