Buy your free speech, just 16$ per month! No being mean to Elon allowed!
Even the nazi had free speech if you keep it in your.
What a farcical and useless understanding of “free speech” you have.
“It’s not censorship when Elon does it”
Buy your free speech, just 16$ per month! No being mean to Elon allowed!
Even the nazi had free speech if you keep it in your.
What a farcical and useless understanding of “free speech” you have.
“It’s not censorship when Elon does it”
Ok but my grandma can’t
Ah yes, I also play factorio/satisfactory/dwarf fortress/rim world. I could easily do 1000 years with each of those, but a million might be streatching it
Unzip failure on all of humanity
It’s ok I do house repair for handjobs
Can’t die. It’s gonna suck in 800 trillion years. Imagine if you can’t sleep either because you don’t need to recuperate.
What about privacy and actual freedom of speech or curtailling corporate cyberintrusion into oir lives? Any of that?
Don’t they have computers and mass surveillance?
As a civ player, I know a cultural victory when I see one.
I don’t think anyone could legally compete with hydro not that they could because we invested as a society into exploiting pur natural ressources for the common good of our population rather than the good of some dickhead.
Result: cheapest electricity price on the continent.
Google neither competes fairly nor provides a good service. We have to endure them because they have made investment in a competitor uneconomical.
The onpy free internet will be tor. The normie internet has been too naughty and spawned shitty giants who think they can treat us like cattle. Break the critical mass and network effects, kill the blitzscale cheaters trying to enslave us. We do not need them, they need us.
Lemmy provincialism wow
You think I even know a single thing about this lemmy. Ml thing? I wouldn’t even remember what the url is if you hadn’t told me. It’s irrelevant. I just picked a server at random, likely the first one in the list.
What a hopeless nerd you have to be to care about the dns instance name.
Listen bucko nobody cates about that nerd shit.
Yes I mean tls certs as those control what dns records are considered valid. The Eu should control which tls are considered valid within its territory and that should be considetedpart of their security apparatus. It’s crazy irresponsible to have left that up to unaccountable private foreign entities. This is what would make it difficult to control their own independant version of the dns namespace.
That makes me realize, what kind of country doesn’t cobtrol it’s dns space’s encryption certificates. That’s a major oversight.
There’s probably a way to redirect without validation. Only respond to port 80 if needed, then redirecr. Sure the browser might complain a little but it’s not as bad as invalid cert.
believing instance url means anything is beyond stupid
I think it’s time you woke up and smelled the roses.
What shall I write on the casings?