At current pace, I wonder what you could do with a spear and a club from the future
At current pace, I wonder what you could do with a spear and a club from the future
Or a hotmail.com
Oh no! The USA meddling with foreign goverments because bananas? Unconceivable!
You can place both containers within the same gluetun network, and make gluetun expose that containers ports
None that you know about
I have some thermo regulated valves that require 1.5v as well, so for those I decided to go with regular alcaline batteries. Those are still above 80% charge after 1 year of usage, that is why I decided not going with rechargeables for those trvs
But there are 1.5v rechargeable AA batteries out there.
Disabling it at bios level does not suit your case?
It would be General Failure reading the disc. I would fsck him up, and replace disc if necessary.
Yes, I know those may be different oses, but I was thinking multiplatform
Entertainers. Show women/men.
Vimusic is a very good option if you need just music
Pfff, that is so 2000’s
Then what happened? What a cliffhanger! /s
This seems to be the juicero for the AI
I’m not sure if your issue is narcisism or bestiality
I somehow missed this to be a flatpak via Discover. Granted this may not be usual in distros with a traditional update model, downgrading packages may be present in rolling distros, or distros with overlapping minor versions, or having 3rd party repos providing conflicting packages to those of the distro.
I offer my system as example:
The following product is going to be upgraded:
openSUSE Tumbleweed 20240211-0 -> 20240313-0
The following 14 packages are going to be downgraded:
ghc-binary ghc-containers ghc-deepseq ghc-directory ghc-exceptions ghc-mtl ghc-parsec ghc-pretty ghc-process ghc-stm ghc-template-haskell ghc-text ghc-time ghc-transformers
It is called “downgrading”, and it is not uncommon to have some packages downgrading when updating/upgrading a system, due to several reasons.
That is why I also mentioned the latch/sensor, it may got stuck.
Stay classy 'murica!