Cars in the 60’s had bench seats that were pretty much couches. Hard to beat that.
Cars in the 60’s had bench seats that were pretty much couches. Hard to beat that.
You might as well search for kakistocracy as well.
kakistocracy /kăk″ĭ-stŏk′rə-sē, kä″kĭ-/ noun
- Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
- Government by the worst men.
- Government under the control of a nation’s worst or least-qualified citizens.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
I made Windows XP run for 40 days using a custom shell. Things got a bit weird, I ran defrag and memory optimization often.
The US government is not funded by taxes. Let me repeat that: THE US GOVERNMENT IS NOT FUNDED BY TAXES.
Since the USD is the defacto global currency and is backed by oil, the US can print as much money as it wants to pay it debts or fund government programs. Hence the reason for the US’ constant wars over oil resources. Got to feed the oil machine.
Taxes are used as COLLATERAL for further loans and to pay the interest on the existing government debt.
Money is created by selling bonds and again using the magic of fractional reserve banking to inflate the money supply.
The US is the only country that can pay its debts by printing its own currency.
All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
Book was great. Never bothered to see the movie with tom cruise.
I mean, it’s not so far from the truth. Based on many metrics, it is a Third World country
Such a prescient statement. Sad that it’s become true.
I still have my iPhone 6s as a backup for travel. Works fine. Replaced the screen 3x, battery 2x. Still kicking.
The feng shui episode was the best one.
If your looking for me
You better check under the sea
Cause that is where you’ll find me
Underneath the
Sealab, Underneath the water
Sealab, At the bottom of the sea.
About 4 years late, but whatever.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Yea. I don’t understand. Same thing happens in the US with Hispanic immigrants. They gatekeep and vote for restrictive immigration policies.
Isn’t he an immigrant?
It’s not just the business owners. And yes, while that’s a risk they will have to take it affects the whole community.
They also need commercial real estate property prices to stay high. Demand for commercial real estate drops and the values therefore drops and the bank is stuck holding the bag for a lot of these loans.
So get back to work for your company and go to the office to the bank doesn’t fail!
They need those offices to be full and the demand to be high for commercial real estate. If commercial real estate becomes less valuable, the banks who own and finance that real estate lose a ton of money.
If the offices are empty, the companies can’t even sell the real estate because other companies won’t want to buy it either. This will devalue commercial real estate properties as a whole, leaving businesses with a lot of high interest loans to the banks for assets that are worth much less than the loans they took out.
When those companies go under, The banks will be left with a bunch of commercial real estate that is essentially worthless.
So you’re all working for the bank so your bosses can pay the loans for the real estate for your office. The furniture inside the office itself is worthless.
People have no idea how the government works and they’re not taught that for a reason. Most people also have very short memories and do not understand that most legislation takes years to take effect. They only remember what they are currently being told and the more times it is repeated the more effective the propaganda.
They decided to try fuck over the state govt and make them pay more with your tax dollars. Having failed, they are throwing a hissy fit and leaving, hopefully pissing off a bunch of people in the process.