Very disingenuous of you to fight a strawman and proclaim victory by claiming that I said things which I never did. But if that’s what floats your boat. But for everyone else, try to find any mention of anti-libre software in the original claim.
Very disingenuous of you to fight a strawman and proclaim victory by claiming that I said things which I never did. But if that’s what floats your boat. But for everyone else, try to find any mention of anti-libre software in the original claim.
My whole point is that you can not point to a 3rd party checking for you and claim that it secure because someone else already checked. And I brought two examples which contradict this claim.
I agree with that.
I don’t agree with how it has been presented by the grandparent here as if open source somehow automatically makes it secure.
Yes, that is true, but let’s not pretend that just because some one is theoretically able to, that all source code is constantly monitored by 3rd parties.
Yes, but we don’t know what we don’t know. There are many problems like that in open source too, and even if we can look nobody does.
Therefore I find it problematic to say that just because you use open source programs you’re safe like the parent tried to.
For me it’s similar, but I don’t have D.
This only would work if you check every line of source code, even the dependencies and build chain, and then build it yourself. See xz utils backdoor or heartbleed, etc.
Yeah I agree. I wonder how people make it real 2FA when the 2FA app is on the phone and they also log in in the phone.
I save them in my keepassxc, actually I save the 2fA also there. Once someone gets to my password manager all bets are off.
I’d like to add KdenLive to the Video Editing point.
What’s the problem, in China it’s illegal to protest against the government too and in Russia against the war. It’s just how it is in big countries. /s
You can do that already, I’m doing it very often.
On the Desktop go to reader mode and click the play button.
On Android I use just share any website with it and it starts reading it.
We are approaching the use of AI in Firefox — which many, many of you have been asking about
Which one of you was it, who asked for AI in Firefox???
He is probably an antisemit! /s
It looks like ham slippers.
I know, but NK politically isn’t that far away from PRC.
After the Covid lockdowns there is a saying in China:
We thought that North Korea is our past, but now we know it’s our future.
Soon it’ll be safer to use a Chinese Linux distribution than Windows.
What are you talking about? You are digging yourself in a trench against me for some reason and you dig deeper every time. I have no idea what your agenda is, but I am stopping participation in it.
I don’t know about you but I have always been a free software advocate, see
But anyway, I’m not interested in whatever this discussion derailed into.