Because that mandate is there to protect other families, children, and immunocompromised people. Vaccines only work if enough people get them.
Because that mandate is there to protect other families, children, and immunocompromised people. Vaccines only work if enough people get them.
Certainly gives everyone the right to call us a country of idiots.
I guess let’s see what happens with the Germany elections in February because that nazi line may start to ring true.
And ironically, it’s the flyover deep red parts of the country that are the most rural, and therefore the most unprofitable legs of these delivery services. As with so many other GOP policies, it would mostly impact their supporters.
“Why do they call him the bullet dodger?” “Because he dodges bullets, Avi”
Yeah, actually it could have been easier to push the Democrats left if they actually won. As it stands now no amount of pushing changes the dynamics of the House, Senate, and Presidency.
Let’s just see what happens to all these loud voices criticizing Biden once Trump takes office. My guess is magically they’ll stay silent or somehow still blame the left for what’s happening.
Supporting Trump or not, this mindset is one of the factors that helped Trump get elected again. Protest votes are the stupidest thing anyone could have done in this election, and to anyone who did so, you absolutely helped Trump get elected.
Go ahead and delude yourself into thinking that there was any other choice in this election, but the reality is that both sides support Israel, only one side will take it to an absolute extreme.
It’s absolutely heartbreaking what is happening in Gaza, but that is just one of the issues that were on the field this election and the country blew it.
Have you no sense of how things actually work in the world? Are you living in a dream state?
Not voting for Harris this election was exactly the same thing as supporting Trump in terms of actual effects.
Don’t worry, Trump will be so much better for this entire situation. Let’s revisit your comment in 2025 and see if you’re calling out Trump for this as well.
There is no worse outcome
Let’s save that comment so we can revisit in 2025 shall we?
Joke will be on all of them when the Federal ban on abortion rolls out.
You’re either arguing in bad faith, or have no idea how the government works. I said the democrats need a blue wave since they haven’t controlled the presidency, and both houses of Congress for more than a couple months over the past decade. What did you expect Biden to do when you have a Republican controlled House and such a thin margin in the Senate?
Well first we need an overwhelming blue wave so the GOP in its current form collapses. Then, as they shift back towards the center, the more progressive part of the Democrats have a better shot at winning. With these razor sharp margins, it will be a race to the center for Democrats as the GOP goes all in with crazy.
Are you really using the “BoTh SiDeS” line? Absolute bullshit.
Type fast! Before long you’ll have to ship out to the front lines with you NK allies. Planting sunflowers is harder work than typing nonsense from your desk.
In that case, your voice is meaningless so you should just shut your mouth and let the adults continue to vote.
You’re either a Russian agent, or a useful idiot. EITHER WAY, your opinion is worthless when it comes to American politics, so kindly skitter back under the rocks from which you came.
It needs to be quite a bit better than humans to actually take off. The difference between a person driving and anything else is who is in control, and therefore to blame. Just being statistically better than the average person isn’t good enough, imho.
You have the absolute dumbest reasoning. The simple use of Blue MAGA already paints you as a fool.
I’m sure whatever country your from is dealing with its own alt-right problem, but judging by your comments, you’re probably fully in support of that.
Those people are either idiots, or arguing in bad faith. Too many disinformation agents or accelerationists on Lemmy.
Stop spewing more Chinese propoganda. “Benefitting from their government instead of being repressed and used as a resource”. You’re talking about China here? A totalitarian government with absolute control over everything.
Benefitting so much that they can’t even talk about politics or their own country’s dark history without being re-educated.