Luckily Xubuntu did the trick on that old laptop
yeah, because ubuntu have more stable repo server than antix. but if i comparison two of them in power consumption, antix used less power 3x in ram than xubun.
Luckily Xubuntu did the trick on that old laptop
yeah, because ubuntu have more stable repo server than antix. but if i comparison two of them in power consumption, antix used less power 3x in ram than xubun.
Mirror repo
AntiX wouldn’t let me install any packages or update. It would keep telling me I needed to wait a few hours to access the repos. I did like how you could swap between several desktop environments easily.
Just manual change the repo and problem solved…
And I need to clarify this because AntiX IMO, under category Permacomputing for low power consumption without too much sacrificing the function than others [in my experiment].
+1 for that Thinkpad
If Google and Qualcomm already develop RISC-V on smartwatch in 2023, then why not on laptop in 2024? Ohh… of course it’s because trade war chips tension that halt the development. But still… optimistic on this is not wrong either IMO. Just because “it’s far from” doesn’t mean it cannot move fast…
+1 for this. My tech hope in 2024 is… “RISC-V has reach the perfect system for consumer level” like I installed Debian on my thinkpad laptop, without any error…
I’m really curious from this, is there any perfomance impact if we change to Libreboot? if so (boost windows performance at least up to 10%) then I’ll take it for my audio plugins set live. Really cool to see T440p Libreboot-ing here!
I think you misunderstood or… don’t get the point “worst language” part from what he said. My point come from his point who’s more expert. If you think like that, what can I say? and I’m not trying convience you to understand too…
Back to your knowledge and understanding. But at least for me, I agree with him that rust is ‘hype-like’ or ‘pop culture’ thing. Like cyrpto (he said in ask session), but from technical perspective, that I personally understand. I just lost the source to explain this, but it’s up to you…
You can watch this
I just found myself that C is the worst programming language as many people say, but the security and simplicity is more than any language in security. Thank you so much for this!
There are may layers of security that every companies have different approach based by their users / their target customers.
The report revealed neighborhoods with lower incomes and fewer white people get stuck with slower internet while still having to pay the same price as those with faster speeds.
We need flexible system that monitor every customer’s income from database for this since it’s more easy to implement right now thanks to AI.
Even though from privacy perspective is not good to know, but since data can manipulate into another form, we can still find another solution on how to deliver this perfectly well balance in society we live in.
Now I understand why some people in the comments from other platform said “Fedora is the new Ubuntu”; in popular perspective today! Loud applause to the Fedora Dev team! Respect.
You can check the hardware compatibility list in here. The level support begin with Ships Fedora, Supports Fedora, and Fedora Friendly.
Fennec on F-droid is good, at least for my need to surfing safe website.
Fsearch, Recommended by Linux Format Magazine in their November 2023 series.
AntiX-Core is what you need. I found a ‘stable LTS and true minimalist system’ without dbus, elogin, and systemd. You can check the installation here from anticapitalista. Create this from VM, snapshot, and install on your device.