That’s how you know they’re paying attention!
Guys, I think this is a troll account. Probably from the same bad actors that caused the original issue OP is complaining about.
Illegal images didn’t work, so they took the “talk about Nazis” approach.
Or, just maybe, I’ve expanded on your original point.
Because neither party would? The red koolaide people would dismiss this idea immediately, because it’s clearly scary communism. The blue koolaide people would pretend to support it while asking for your votes, then proceed to conveniently forget about it entirely, or pretend to try to do it while also receiving lobbying money from nearly every corporation and anti-workers-union type organization.
The people that would support this are not part of either party.
Can one not participate in another’s parody?
What an absolutely fucking braindead take
Ehhh, you’ve got the right spirit, but that won’t happen lol.
What would be useful is banning, or at least limiting, speculative real estate ownership. A liveable home being unoccupied for no productive reason is a massively arrogant thing for a society to allow.
Fission and fusion reactors are really more like in-between renewable and non-renewable. Sure, it relies on materials that are finite, but there is way, way more of that material available in comparison to how much we need.
Making this distinction is necessary to un-spook people who have gone along with the panic induced by bad media and lazy engineering of the past.
It was a graveyard graph