For the young people, all cars used to come with a glow plug in the dash to light your cigarette. When did they actually stop doing that?
Linear is probably a lot faster?
For a moment I thought it was showing the reflection of a huge fireball explosion
Scale powers off halfway because I got distracted…
Oh they have considered the costs, he is going to use them for slave labour , work camps.
“Dad noise” in danish
AI seems perfect for renewables load balancing. Got extra power to burn because it is windy at night? Train your models
Like the last couple of months have been silently corrected upward?
Telegram has been supplying US government with data on its users
That and a way to launder money into their campaign, easy to buy lots of copies of a worthless book
Also relevant:
Seems like a good use for android app pinning, I think that locks the phone to that app until unlocked
Spotify might as well be doing this themselves already to avoid having to pay all those annoying artist
In that case probably not for everyday use then , or just use sand. But I’d think that there is also some chemical action that makes it very effective against tea and coffee stains
Just baking soda works
Yeah that’s the worst, even if you just call them to ask if something is covered they will still make a note and use it against you.