•For those who aren't burdened with chronic or intermittent depression, how does that feel?
10 months agoThe meaninglessness is still there. What I suspect is the biggest difference is the headspace surrounding it. If there’s not inherent meaning to life, then that frees you to create your own with your own goals and desires and whatnot. If there’s no inherent meaning, then any meaning we as humans come up with for ourselves is the meaning. For some people, that’s religion. For some, it’s taking care of their loved ones. For a few of my friends, it’s to play as many video games as possible. For others, it’s to work as much as possible. The beauty of it is that they’re all right, the meaning of their life is what they make of it. You are what you repeatedly do.
I’m sure you’re allowed to impose legal conditions on your data, but the AI folks have very clearly shown they don’t care and would prefer to just fight it out in court years and years later, if ever.