What a weird thing to get hung up on. Soviet cotton farming literally killed the Aral sea.
What a weird thing to get hung up on. Soviet cotton farming literally killed the Aral sea.
I am one of the sysadmins that will have to deal with the Fallout of this. I dont worry to much about the desktop side of things, Users can offen adapt well enough to clicking a different icon to do the same task. What worries me is moving away from Exchange and Microsoft AD, these systems include a lot of features we take for granted and will likely be missed.
I wasn’t depressed to begin with but weightlifting helped me feel better about myself and quieting those voices that kept telling me that i was to lazy & fat. A year ago i started running which is much harder starting from zero but the mental effect of an extended run or the rewarding feeling of completing your first 10k is incredible.
Also dont wait for motivation, just start now and it will come later.
“Send in special forces, don’t bomb them” “No not like that”
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