There are a lot of small issues with the integrated apps, the most recent one being the search in Apple Music failing if I type in more than one word. Another issue I’ve experienced that if I plug my USB sound card in I will have to restart any app that is capable of audio playback or they will play the audio too slowly. This bug wasn’t there before 14.6 so I don’t think it’s an issue with my hardware.
In all fairness I’ve had some other bugs that have subseqently been fixed, but it has sometimes taken years and it’s frustrating when the whole mantra used to be “it just works”. Then again, maybe it never “just worked” and I’ve just forgotten about how buggy and bad it was in the past.
Back when I was actively playing Overwatch (this is now years ago) people were basically using the voice and text chat to be toxic shitheads to each other. At one point I decided that I didn’t need strangers telling me to kill myself in my life, so I ditched the game and generally just play single player games now.
Not sure how others have experienced it, but the community feeling of the past that the author is alluding to is gone. If it ever was there to begin with.