It also has a lot of fediverse softwares
Vache de carnaval marine, je parle néanmoins portugais comme une vache espagnole.
Profil picture taken by Lynn Wu (according to the internet)
It also has a lot of fediverse softwares
For now, I plan on keeping Windows. I also have bad experience with installing new OS. Linus is nicer to use pre- installed and parametrized on the school computer. Thanks for the advice. I did not know about [email protected] oh… There is four of it :-) I won’t need to be posting this kind of question in this community now
Thank you. I will try Akkoma then.
This looks super cool. I will look at that very carefully. Thank you!
I don’t think anyone opens a port directly to the application
Well, I don’t really know what I’m doing so it may be pretty important. I will look for reserve proxy manager. Thank you for helping :)
Thanks. I did not think of that.
My bad. In my language we make the distinction btw semolina (coasted powder) and flour (soft and thin powder). What I would called flour-based pasta will have a very different texture from what I would called semolina pasta.
It looks like semolina pasta to me.
The article couldn’t figure out what is actually al-Aqsa mosque.
The mosque in this picture is the Dome of the Rock mosque. Al-Asqa Mosque is on the other side of the plaza, behind the photographer’s back!
That’s an interesting point but my goal is not to help anyone but me making a bit of fun at learning a important subject I infortunately dislike.