you won’t be able to afford deez stonks
you won’t be able to afford deez stonks
yeah it’s so weird that a state like Florida can’t find enough teachers to work there
so instead of removing the dams, we’re strengthening clean energy(dams)?
this is good? am i stupid or something?
lol, at least they’re asking nicely. they can “collectivize” the equipment if they decide it’s necessary
I’m buying Reddit when it’s traded
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A true captain of industry
i threw a hot tub into a pallet fire with some friends years ago. contrary to what you’re claiming, it produced A LOT of heat.
in fact, the next day the ground was still hot
what you seem to be saying is that it burns.
wonder how the pollution created by burning plastic compares to coal and natural gas: could be a clean alternative.
at least she got a great photo to share on the pipes
sounds serious
i can’t imagine she didn’t think she wasn’t going to jail for this
why don’t we just burn it?
The Lord knows those that are his own…
thanks for the research/assist
relevant if it sabotages coal mining infrastructure
they’re not very good marksmen. i think although both officers reloaded, only managed to land one bullet in the victims leg.
it’s embarrassing for the police for many reasons
i learned that if someone bangs on my front door and shouts “Sheriff’s office!” then I need to exit my back door, run, and hide.
shes alive
haha, the Real trades at 5/USD. you’re going to need to chop down or burn some more rainforest or something to come up with the coin