That would be awesome, but I think the best value would be with a run up the northeast (DC-Baltimore-Philly-NYC-Boston). All massive population centers close together.
That would be awesome, but I think the best value would be with a run up the northeast (DC-Baltimore-Philly-NYC-Boston). All massive population centers close together.
Is Biden the socialism?
I split the duo plan with a friend and do annual and it’s $6.30/month for unlimited searches.
For me it’s a fun hobby, plain and simple. Some people like maintaining saltwater tanks, some people like miniature train sets, I like maintaining a smart home and automating repeat tasks.
After talking about end times and signs of end times the bible literally says
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (Matthew 24:34).
Christians need to read their own book.
What times your lights are on or off can expose more than you might think over time. It reveals when you’re gone for work, your sleep schedule, how many days a year you spend at home vs traveling/elsewhere, when you stay up late, etc.
But it gets worse. If you give Hue your email or install the app then now you can be uniquely id’d across other products. Hue will sell that data to some advertising agency, who also buys data from Google, Facebook, etc. Now your usage data from other systems can be combined with the Hue data and used to more even more accurately track your day and behaviors.
It’s impossible to target all of them, yes. But that’s why BDS creates a targeted list of the worst offenders to concentrate consumer boycott pressure.
Currently the BDS list includes 8 targets, including HP, Sabra, Siemens, Puma, and Soda stream.