Also downpour.com! I ditched Audible a long time back in favor of sites like these that don’t lock authors into crappy exclusives, provide DRM-free audiobooks for sale, and have actually decent deals with authors.
Also downpour.com! I ditched Audible a long time back in favor of sites like these that don’t lock authors into crappy exclusives, provide DRM-free audiobooks for sale, and have actually decent deals with authors.
I also noticed the reduction in operating temperature, which can help improve energy generation efficiency. Hotter panels produce less energy (generally speaking).
That’s true, I agree with this sentiment. But I’m a bit confused when trying to apply the same logic to credit bureaus and other companies which get hacked and expose our personal information without facing any real consequences. In those situations I feel that those companies should be held liable for the breaches.
Bingo. A properly funded and functional public education system, that teaches real critical thinking and let’s include media literacy while we’re at it.
Probably not quite what your looking for, but I literally just came across this article about a potential general strike in 4 years:
“UAW president Shawn Fain on May Day calls on unions to prepare for strike in 2028”
“We are fully preparing to strike on May Day 2028,” Shawn Fain wrote in a proposal on May Day, or International Workers Day.
Fain said it is the only way workers can “win universal healthcare and the right to retire with dignity.”
[In an op-ed (https://inthesetimes.com/article/may-day-2028-general-strike-working-class) for progressive publication In These Times, Fain said the union’s recent auto contracts were all aligned to expire on April 30, 2028. He called on other unions to do the same as way to mass power to “reshape the economy into one that works for the benefit of everyone.”
“They want us to believe that corporate bosses gave workers decent wages, benefits and safer working conditions out of the goodness of their hearts. That justice and equality for people of color, for immigrants, for women and for queer communities were gifts benevolently handed down from above,” Fain wrote.
“But we know the truth. Every law passed, every union formed and contract won—every improvement made at the workplace—has been won through the tireless sacrifice of the working class.”
Good Work just recently put out a video on this very topic. Informative and hilarious as usual!
In this potential scenario, instead of axing 41% of people from the workforce, we should all get 41% of our lives back. Productivity and pay stay the same while the benefits go to the people instead of the corporations for a change. I know that’s not how it ever works, but we can keep pushing the discussion in that direction.
Gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for your reply!
Underrated comment.
Fwiw, Amplosion is a great iOS app/safari extension to de-AMP google search results. Bonus: it’s made by Christian Selig, the dev behind Apollo (rip).
Do you know how both of those compare with Google Sheets?
Also this one!
“I rewrote Portal from scratch and solved the Portal Paradox”
Raised eyebrows? Is mild-washing a word? It should be.