I think he misheard when JD said to “compromise a couch”.
Just this guy, you know?
I think he misheard when JD said to “compromise a couch”.
and hopefully it stays that way.
Trump lied that the Ukrainian president was responsible for starting the war. In reality, etc.
That’s about the energy output per volume of a 70 year old cyclist.
Give it 6 months and Amazon will be running this model for you “serverless” with a code name making it seem like their own product.
for the foreseeable future.
Or 4 years, whichever comes first.
Screen grabs are not proof. I’m on mobile ATM or I could screen grab you admitting to lusting after Elon’s buttocks.
Almost, but really not at all.
Nor is Norwegian. For simplicity’s sake they bundle all the dialects together as Nynorsk.
You don’t. But all your new devices from now on will have USB C charging.
Sure, all of that should have been done. I’m just commenting on
It’s in the wild populations so heavily now
It always was and it’s doing great damage to wild birds throughout the world. Regardless of US paultry farms. So you could have had healthier domestic birds, but there is nothing you could have done to avoid the virus being present in the environment.
It has been in wild birds world wide for years now. The birds having bird flu is not an American problem. The cows somehow all having bird flu is all yours though. Thankfully cows don’t fly and don’t migrate long distances.
I believe that Margo Robbie identifies as esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress/esteemed Academy Award nominated character actresses.
5th person confirmed cured of HIV. Stem cell transplant, apparently. Happened in Düsseldorf if your .de means anything.
Yeah, I looked it up to be sure. Not to be a dick.
And yeah, perhaps we should just condone condoning certain things and draw the line at encouraging or assisting?
That’s pretty much what condone means. From MW:
To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. synonym: forgive.
From Cambridge:
to ignore or accept behavior that some people consider wrong
So you’re perhaps not encouraging it?
I’m not sure we have the data to support that statement. 8.2B / 108B = 7.6% of everyone who has ever lived is currently alive. Perhaps some fraction of that is immortal.
It was more the word “assume” that made me want to run the experiment. Either way, now we know for sure.
It’s definitely higher on the list of desirable outcomes than kids shooting each other. Whether it’s above or below the neutrality line depends on what day you ask me.