Why are they no option in the US?
Hey Buddy, this article is about UK and you argue for it to be about the US. Clearly the UK did not pass a law to bend over for your orange overlord.
This whole discussion is bonkers.
No no no, he’s just american and thinks the universe centers around the US
Oh sorry it was a little late, yes disable DHCP in Router and set your PI to be the DHCP server.
Nah mate, if you set your PiHole to be the DHCP of your network, it will force DNS server settings onto the devices it’s handing out IPs to. Just set the PiHole as DHCP server in your router and it’ll be fine.
Yes, I was on the website, where can I find the source code?
Where can I find the source?
Which country do you accept?
Lets go open one up on https://www.betmoose.com/ and share the pool so we can get into it.
Just me you and 748 of your closest friends, awesome. Where can I find the source?
I was looking for people who are not using encrypted storage.
Every lonely fuck thinking he is the smartest person on the planet is replying to this
I was recently intrigued to learn that only half of the respondents to a survey said that they used NO disk encryption.
Is the other half alright?
Americans figuring out that Chinese people are also just people like them is the most hilarious and american thing I read in a while.
I was hit too just now.