It does, yeah. Still, having access to the official client too would be nice.
It does, yeah. Still, having access to the official client too would be nice.
Very nice, I do hope that helps us finally get a Linux version sometime soon lol
+1 for bazzite, if I wasn’t a NixOS cultist it’s probably what I’d still be daily driving. Stable, easy rollbacks, keeps itself updated as long as you reboot now and then. Just a great experience all around.
Atomic distros are still distros, op never excluded that particular kind
Damn, I didn’t even realize that was doable lol. At least the nix part, the rest definitely sounds like stuff I might’ve accidentally done myself while learning the ropes.
Good point, I didn’t get into reddit that early but it definitely rings familiar
Oh I don’t think it’s all techies, but they definitely make up a good chunk of the userbase. Hard agree on it feeling more chill too, I’d been kinda afraid to comment anything on reddit before I left.
I know it’s arguably part of why it’s intimidating to your average newcomer but I adore that it’s mostly nerdy techies lol. I’m so used to dropping something vaguely technical and being met with the online equivalent of blank stares so people being willing and able to engage with that sort of thing is super nice!
Right, thanks for the input. I used to use it for unimportant stuff like game storage so it’s entirely possible errors just went unnoticed 😅
Said drive is a new one for media and regular everyday usage, not the existing backup drive according to the OP. Btrfs is more than stable enough barring specific RAID configurations, at any rate.
Yeah I guess exfat is the way to go then, it’s how I handle my external SSD rn as well
Edit: Also, I’m not sure how well btrfs handles external drives. Didn’t realize that when I suggested it.
Ah, now that’s a scare! Glad you mostly managed to recover at any rate.
As for the fs to use, exfat is probably a safer bet but btrfs is also an option. I’ve used winbtrfs in the past and it works surprisingly well.
Yeah, at the of the day whatever they claim comes from dogma is king so being gay/women having bodily autonomy will always be considered some form of sin, regardless of how much they try to be “welcoming” to the people whose actions they claim are inherently sinful.
As a queer person I’m definitely biased, but I’ve always seen acts like those as empty gestures, a mockery of what actual empathy and acceptance are supposed to be. I just don’t see how those can truly flourish within organized religion as I’ve known it, my way or the highway is how it all works by design so it’s a lost cause as far as I’m concerned.
I respect your reaction a lot. The world would be a much more pleasant place if more people were willing to look past their comfort zone and see institutionalized hate for what it is.
I’ve been done with them for most of my life by now but I really didn’t think they could sound much more bigoted, at least not this loudly. Joke’s on me, I guess! This tacitly endorses several major human rights issues going on right now.
They’ve been saying the quiet part out loud for a while when it comes to gay people while also trying here and there to pay lip service to them since it’s not as socially acceptable to hate on that particular minority anymore. This though, is as official and hateful a middle finger as it gets with no punches pulled, particularly at gender diverse folks. At this point I can only hope it leads to more followers realizing the institution is rotten to the core and distancing themselves from them, much like yourself.
Turns out most were seemingly glad to comply when Netflix pulled that bs so I’ll be legitimately shocked if most major streaming services don’t follow suit within the next few months. I’m glad my seafaring ass hasn’t had to deal with that kind of annoyance in years lol.
Lol I appreciate your self awareness! That sounds just like the kind of questionable idea that’d be great for a joke GitHub repo, if nothing else.
Lol I appreciate your self awareness! That sounds just like the kind of questionable idea that’d be great for a joke GitHub repo, if nothing else.
Can you share which of the local code completion solutions you’re using? I’ve been looking into spinning up my own.
Laughed out loud at your 💀 here lol, now that’s a perfectly executed self jab