I’m also pretty sure their security / safety standards are pure ass. I barely trust our automakers, I sure as shit don’t trust the fucking CCP
I’m also pretty sure their security / safety standards are pure ass. I barely trust our automakers, I sure as shit don’t trust the fucking CCP
Rich asshole says out of touch moronic thing. More at 7.
We have an echo for the chamber, that is true, but the antidote is not right wing views, the right wing has lost any credibility after Trump.
I’m probably center left for lemmy, and that is what we need more of. Lemmy is heavily moded by very VERY left people that like to ban anyone that dares disagree
Zekensky a man of honour.
Trump a man of pure shit.
Depraved! Disgusting! I’d never!
Unless??? (👁 ͜ʖ👁)
If you have one million dollar bills stacked on top of each other, it’s really tall. If you have one billion dollar bills stacked on top of each other, forget about it…it’s very very tall. Point is, can’t get fooled again.
Republicans are so good at baiting liberals into useless bullshit arguments, while they plunder stuff that actually matters.
The users still on reddit are even dumber than him
Come on man if we are crying racism over this is nonsense no-one will actually listen to us when we are actually facing real racism.
This is exactly what they want.
This is why you need government. This is why you need regulations.
Corporations are evil pieces of shit that would have you watch ads without seatbelts and without air bags.
They’d grind you and your entire family into a powder if it made them a few bucks.
Fuck Jeep and their shitty tin cars.
STOP!! I can only get so errect!!
As long as I don’t see “thanks stranger” and “happy cake day” I’m ok
I can’t believe people elected these ass clowns.
I keep hammering this point every time this is brought up, PR and NAMES matter! BlueSky is a nice non threatening name, Mastadon is an awful name for an app. It sounds way too close to mastrubate.
Also good!
Tipping is beyond fucked up.
Guy at home depot loading your heavy ass lumber into the truck? No tip.
Some dipshit behind the counter punching numbers on a screen, you better believe that’s a tippin!
STOP TIPPING unless somone is actually serving you!! Ask yourself, is this service closer to the guy loading the lumber, or the gas station attendant sitting behind the register?
You’re right the cops would never lie or plant evidence! No sir! ಠ_ಠ
Is it true there only needs to be one holdout in the 12 to grind it to a halt?
We the jury find the defendant GUILTY! We sentance him to a fine of $1 and a lifetime membership to United Healthcare!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It’s like saying one is pure diarrhea and the other tastes like brocoli. Comparing them is insane. There is only one choice.