No one wants to hear about you masturbating sicko
No one wants to hear about you masturbating sicko
I imagine the australian government is going to try and get us to register to use the internet, can’t wait, so exciting.
Satanic Panic but this time about pedophiles.
These laws will be used to restrict information, not to protect anyway, don’t delude youraelf.
100% albanese has some cushy job on a board linen up for when he loses to the potato man. Its all bread crumbs and spectacle
give another billion to the arms dealers albo, ‘department of defence’ lol, fucking disgrace
Misogynist bullshit. Very funny.
The us already has prisons, detention facilities, concentration camps, or whatever you want to call them now the guy youse dont like is going to be in charge again
A 18 year old absolutely didnt vote, not that it makes a difference you bloodthirsty fiend
They upload this shit everywhere, it’s also on odysee, telegram, rumble, kick, its suddenly all over twittwr, there’s plenty of western sites that host this shit, I’ve seen nazi propaganda on internet archive
we can’t just scapegoat russia for every issue we experience
May 29 (2020)
At 12:53 a.m., more than an hour after the state guard posted about the deployment, Trump tweets: “I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right.”
By that point, Walz had already activated the guard.
About seven hours later, Trump’s then-White House Twitter account quotes him saying: “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
just call him a fucking nazi, how hard is it? Christ, what a disgusting cretin.
Pandering to teenagers is how you end up with plotlines wrapping up like oh thankfully Wesley found a solution in the last five minutes
Teenagers should be touching grass, or hucking loogies at cars, go outside and dig a hole or something, log off
Its possible to have back and forth conversation on a wikipedia user talk page, are they banning wikipedia too? The comments section on a news website? Desktop email clients and hotmail accounts?
I can’t see a way where this doesn’t end up being used to restrict information from wider society. Even just banning kids from the internet, is restricting millions of people who deserve to be able to access the resources on the www
Joking about being a racist and trying to make it look cool, might mean youre a racist.
Why are people upvoting this? Examine your preconceptions before they examine you.
If you build it, they will come
I just checked and theyve banned my private subreddit for lack of moderation
Ah 1990, the year rap was invented, yes
What is an army?
the state as an entity exists to prevent the outbreak of class war, it regularly does this violently, and people are often killed without the need for the death penalty.
You should read Lenin’s State and Revolution, at least the first chapter
Comparing Xi to a yellow cartoon character is racist and we shouldnt be doing it. If you think someone is evil, why are you comparing them to a loveable bear anyway? I’ve never understood that.
Reminder: if you have american citizenship, all support everything those fucko’s do
On slave plantations for the most part