Had to try really hard to get into it but when it clicked, it clicked. Really enjoyed it but can’t seem myself ever playing again
Had to try really hard to get into it but when it clicked, it clicked. Really enjoyed it but can’t seem myself ever playing again
Senuas sacrifice is that specifically about schizophrenia I believe
You got this. Only way to beat ishin is practice each stage until you got it down almost flawless, by the time you finish the fight you will feel like a god.I highly recommend the git gud YouTube channel as it explains what skills you need to build in order to win. You got this
From games all have amazing soundtracks. I just played through everything from demon souls to Elden ring including sekiro and bloodborne and realised they all have amazing, but very different, soundtracks. Most bosses have completely unique soundtracks it’s amazing the attention to detail and you miss it if you aren’t specifically listening for it .
No he hates being called Garry it’s a running joke with crowds at the dollop live shows.
Action park had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breath . Also it’s Garry
Agreed I hated that first mob around the fire and could not get past it. Gave up and came back after Elden ring and loved it. Also dark souls, I said fuck it during zens fortress but eventually came back started again from scratch and really enjoyed it.