Sounds like a complete BS. Basically what haters want to hear.
Bad working conditions ect. would be believable, but this is just too sensationalist to take at the face value
Sounds like a complete BS. Basically what haters want to hear.
Bad working conditions ect. would be believable, but this is just too sensationalist to take at the face value
This introduces a lot of friction into international trade, green products or not
You know, fighting isn’t everything. OP character can work if writer puts an actual effort into it. Look at One Punch Man or Overlord. Completely overpowered characters can be written well. It’s just that you can’t focus story on fights alone.
Because Communism overall killed more people than Nazism. The hypocrisy of banning nazi symbols while allowing soviet ones is just unbearable.
Ok. Life expectancy in america is lower for poor people. We can agree on that. Can you please compare it to the life expectancy in communist countries, like North Korea, USSR or China during Mao regime?
If you want to imply that communism is more friendly to the environment, I’ll have to disappoint you.
Many of the issues have been attributed to policies that were made during the early Soviet Union, at a time when many officials felt that pollution control was an unnecessary hindrance to economic development and industrialization, and, even though numerous attempts were made by the Soviet government to alleviate the situation in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the problems were not completely solved.[1] By the 1990s, 40% of Russia’s territory began demonstrating symptoms of significant ecological stress, largely due to a diverse number of environmental issues, including deforestation, energy irresponsibility, pollution, and nuclear waste.[2]
No. Tell me please
Maybe they should ban far-left organizations indoctrinating children with marxist ideology as well? It’s not like communism killed millions or something…
You actually can
Source please.
Reversing type 1 is a complete lie. Unless you can somehow magically reatore pancreatic cells
Reverse Type 1 Diabetes
Didn’t even read past that lie.
It’s stealing work in a way that functionally launders it
Actually in the age of basically permanent copyrigt, this brings at least some balance
Actually this is because quality of engineering goes down. Noone seems to be able to design a good user interface. My theory is it’s because the new generation of designers are rised on Facebook and Twitter. They never saw a good, clean UI in their lives.
Gave up on netflix some time ago due to lack of good content