Frankly they should probably split off the ad side from everything else.
Frankly they should probably split off the ad side from everything else.
Safari had its own web engine, WebKit, which chromium’s web engine, blink, is actually a fork of.
Opera Used to have it’s own web engine, presto, but they rebased to blink in 2013.
But yah, your options these days for the basis of your browser are basically WebKit(Apple), Gecko(Mozilla) and Blink(Google).
looks like you dropped opera about the same time it rebased to blink (chromium) from their own web engine, presto.
or even better, use librewolf.
Lmao, if companies need it to function, Google should maybe consider that they’ve made modern browsing unusable due to ads.
You’re right, this article is in fact, clown shit.
Nonsense article. Low key agitprop to cover for trump failing spectacularly to broker a peace.
It’s not for game developers, it’s to convince capital that they should keep funding Microsoft’s data center expansions. Keep funding the methane companies that provide the power for them.
Definitely, just to prevent it from being normalized. Just like crypto, flying cars, psychics, MLM businesses, this shit will fade in to the into the domain of low skill grifters.
And more importantly It reveals his character in a way that some of his die hard supporters might actually care about.
He’s been shedding fans for a long time now, but way slower than he’s been going off the rails, because the things he’s done have rarely been directly contradictory to the image his fans have of him. Sure taken as a whole they are, but individual actions can be written off as haters using cult logic.
This though, this is… just so pathetic… so blatantly approval seeking and manipulative tendencies.
Other things beyond that can also be cheating. That is one kind of cheating but other things can be cheating as well.
Ram ranch, two trucks, alternating 7 times and then Alice’s restaurant once.
I believe this would result in a lot of mental breakdowns, and a newfound love of Arlo Guthrie.
Any Linux distribution should work on AMD CPUs, well, Debian based distros can sometimes have issues with particularly new hardware due to the long time between releases. But bazzite is fedora based so you should be fine with anything.
Nvidia GPUs work just fine with AMD CPUs.
Realistically the question is how high end of a CPU do you want, the mid to high end range AMD CPUs tend to be cheaper than their intel equivalents, but the highest end intel chips edge out the highest end AMD chips right now. Realistically, that won’t matter unless you are doing something super CPU intensive and just want the most power possible for your machine.
AMD CPUs also have better integrated graphics, not super important if you have a dedicated GPU, but, there are times when having a second somewhat capable graphics processor could be useful.
most of the bitcoin being spent on electricity and hardware gets exchanged for actual currency before it is spent. And most of the luxury goods sales are gimmicks and limited time.
And there is a huge amount of criminal activity with bitcoin still, they just mainly use it to launder money now as the transactions are impractically slow and costly for anything but particularly large trades.
The vast majority of the crypto world failed to understand one key concept, money is not the value for which goods/services are exchanged, it is the value by which they are exchanged. People do not have a use or value for money beyond what it can be exchanged for, if no one is willing to exchange for it, it has no value.
Crypto only had value as a currency if people would accept it for goods or services, and the only thing people ever accepted it as payment for, in any meaningful capacity, were illegal goods and services. The value beyond that was purely based on a speculative ideological assumption that people would abandon the traditional banking system for a new system that they couldn’t buy anything with.
What I find most interesting, is not that twitter is failing in active users faster than the others, but that all the other listed in the article are also all seeing a decline in user ship. Even the new “up and comer” TikTok is losing users.
To some extent I suspect that it’s just a result of people breaking their social medias built during the pandemic. But is there something else? Are they just going to new platforms? Is there a modal shift on how people congregate online driven by the issues with platforms? Or are people just spending less time online with the pandemic mostly over.
My favorite are people out here advocating for battery/hydrogen buses and trains, like we have overhead/third-rail electrification! IT IS A SOLVED TECHNOLOGY! It is older than internal combustion engines, for pete’s sake!
I use librewolf just because it’s privacy focused.
But, there is also waterfox, floorp, and mercury, just off the top of my head.