The Menemen

Menemenli menemen

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • In Germany real estate became significantly cheaper in many parts (not all, not e.g. Berlin or Hamburg). In my north German mid size city we had ~15 percent price reduction in the last 2 years. In our neighbour city they even had 25%.

    On the other hand, I know people who sold their houses when prices where high, invested their money and are happy renters now. It apparently can be a lot better financially according to many experts (here in Germany, no idea about the US).

  • Russia also still holds a lot of their traditional soft power in many countries, including several EU countries. They also greatly increased their softpower by helping to get far right parties into power or at least signinificant influence in several EU countries (like Orban or Germany just 2 days ago).

    On the other hand Russia manouvered itself into a very weak geostrategical position lately (Ukraine and Syria). Everyone noticed that and this will likely lead to some restructuring in several regions, unlikely to be in Russias favour.

    I currently find it really hard to make assumptions about Russias role in the mid-term future. That is also, why I didn’t mention Russia in my post.

  • 20 years ago was 2005, not 1975… Cloud services started before that year. AWS started in 2002 and they weren’t the first.

    But digital autonomy is not only about cloud services. EU countries were depending on US products with backdoor way before 2005.

    Linux was mature at 2005. It is coincidentally even the exact year I started using Linux and also the year I personally first said, that we in the EU have to get independent from US owned operating systems. And I am not a genius.

    2005 is funnily enough also the exact year Turkey started its project to get independent from US owned OSs, a project called Pardus. Sadly it pretty much failed, but the EU would have had different resources than Turkey on its own.

  • I am sooo xxxx pissed. The EU had all the time in the world and all incentive imaginable to develop an “EU-OS” and an “EU-Office”. Linux and other FOSS software was always there to build upon. And with EU founding it could have been an easy solution, making the world a better place in the process.

    But instead so many xxx politicians rather made some nice deals…

    Now we reap what the EU parliament did.

  • The Menemen@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlResigning as Asahi Linux project lead
    28 days ago

    But if they were doing Asahi Linux for fun as a hobby, and if it isn’t fun anymore for a variety of reasons, then you really can’t blame them.

    I have 0 knowledge about this project, so my statement here is just a general statement.

    But if a developer collects donations for promising something, then this is not just “for fun”, but they do have a moral obligation to try doing a good job.

    It seems they overfullfilled their obligations (but all I know about it, are the words of the developer). So, as said above, this is a general statement.

    edit: lol you guys are funny, but maybe read my comment. I talked about “doing his best” and about “things they promised”. You really think it is okay to say “I will try project A, I need donations” and then go on a holiday with the donated money and do nothing else? Do you thing this attitude will get people to donate anything?