Happier in my ass
Happier in my ass
Are you an author? Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude
The actual data is pretty lousy… The 8 hr group has almost 30% smokers and mean 1 pt higher in BMI than the 12-16 hr group, and the forest plots cross one for all cause mortality because they only had 414 subjects in the fasting group. The fact they chose to report on this using the relative risk is also super shady
God I just love the irony of him not being able to pay this after him bragging about being a billionaire
Thanks for this, I live in Florida and have a conventional resistance electric heater in my garage so I’m looking pretty hard at this. Why can’t the condensate be drained into the water tank to be used in the house? Is it unsafe?
Lol even the Nobel peace prize winner angers them.