Had to check i didn’t write this in a fugue state. 100% can relate.
Had to check i didn’t write this in a fugue state. 100% can relate.
As a developer in multiple hip startups I feel this meme in my core.
Naïve realism has entered the battle.
Women: Buy yourself a liberpee. It will set you free.
Did you bother to read past the first paragraph?
+1 for obituary shirt
That sounds like a worthy and potentially wholesome effort indeed. I would just like to say that I think sincerity is more important than seriousness. Best of luck to you my friend.
Much respect for being an anarchist in Israel btw, especially in these interesting times.
Solidarity from The Netherlands.
Ok, even though I know this will make no difference to ‘you people’ (sorry just cannot help myself xD).
In this case I choose to use this specific word because it’s so obviously a dogwhistle for right wing extremists that in the context of this meme I think it’s funny, since my actual stance is neither authoritarian or rightwing.
I don’t seriously mean to perpetuate negative stereotypes with regards to people with mental handicaps.
Just as a curiosity, are you by any chance from the US? I just cannot imagine anyone from Europe making such a big deal about a joke like this, let alone use the term ableist.
I guess my brain has just rotted as a result of a few decades of being on the internet. Inside i’m still an edgy teen apparently. No actual offense meant :)
I’m unsure what you mean by this. Would you be willing to elaborate?
I ‘am’ an anarcho-communist and I don’t like libtards. Libtards to me are ‘progressive capitalists’ that have no systemic insight what so ever and think all it takes to bring upon heaven on earth is to try and be nice.
I mean, you should try and be nice obviously but you are not going to soy latte your way outta this my dudes.
The one word more people need to know about: threatmodel
Adding a DENY ALL line to the top of iptables, getting disconnected, realizing that I’m fucking SSHing into this removed…
Slow heavy metal playing in the background
I don’t understand this either. There’s no fucking algorithm overlord here right? No fucking tiktok, youtube bullshit required.
If you want to say fuck, fucking say fuck.
On another note. Thx for introducing me to the robustness principle ♥️
Does such an angle exist from the google perspective? Probably.
Is it ‘just’ this and nothing else, I’d argue no.
Matters tend to be more complex than simple black and white statements.
I for one think Mozilla is one of the most visible actors with regards to privacy promoting thought and FOSS, with widespread ‘mainstream’ reach. If it wasn’t for Firefox I’d have to use chromium for instance, and that would make the world a sadder day.
I do agree that funding from google is an obvious conflict of interest and probably influences policy in a way not a 100% aligned with humanitarian goals. This is definitely less than ideal and I think everybody involved on this side of the fence would like to see that change. Maybe you could help them with that?
I love it. Reddit time has been decreased by 95% and do not miss it at all.
You do you but if you are looking for a keyboard centric workflow you might have a better time with sidebery and vimium.
Exactly my thoughts. That a fucking jeans closet?
Dude you do not look well for a thirty year old. You a smoker?
It takes two is absolutely amazing in every aspect.