I always ask for it as thin as they can get without shredding it. It’s possible I’m hated, but that’s how I like my meat, and I can’t do it myself.
I always ask for it as thin as they can get without shredding it. It’s possible I’m hated, but that’s how I like my meat, and I can’t do it myself.
A fake Christmas tree would be pretty confusing. Or even tree stands for a real tree. Even if you figure out it’s for a tree, what purpose could that tree serve?
Statistician: “Nailed it!”
As a Millennial, I’m confused why you wouldn’t use the correct White Ninja meme on the left.
What do you mean “spit out”? Is it being put into a new open workbook, an existing open workbook, or is it being saved as a file?
And I don’t mean to suggest I know better than the person actually dealing with the situation (I hate when people do that), but if you can do it manually, it can be automated.
There is definitely a way to automate that process. Even if you can’t somehow sanitize the input before Excel reads it as dates, unfucking the data can definitely be reduced to a single button-push. I’ve based my entire career on my ability to do that.
I fully appreciate what you’re saying, and I’m not even saying I disagree. But most people still won’t support it.
There have been polls. He has a lot of support, but it’s definitely not more than half.
Regardless of their feelings on the rich, I think you’ll find that most people aren’t ok with the murder.
I don’t think Ayn Rand would have supported this bullshit. The talentless “businessmen” who wear the trappings of wealth but produce nothing were always the villains in her books. Plus she was vehemently anti-theocracy.
From like three years ago? Why post about it now? Especially without providing additional context.
Last time I made it, I fried the bread in a little bacon grease.
The point is that you don’t want the bread to distract you from the core ingredients. Bacon and cream cheese are magical, the way they complement each other.
Peanut butter and jelly, of course.
I was having lunch in the break room once, and a wise old man came in and asked me what I was eating.
“Peanut butter and jelly,” I said.
“I think that’s the best sandwich they ever did come up with,” he replied, then walked away.
I think about that a lot.
Bacon and cream cheese sandwich on white bread.
It’s the second greatest sandwich ever.
Oh, he’s just going down a rabbit hole! He’s going on a cute little adventure where he does a fucking Nazi salute in front of the whole country, then proceeds to recklessly dismantle huge parts of the US government, but it’s all just part of his magical little journey! Teehee!
That solves the problem this time, but it doesn’t help if I’m trying to navigate somewhere new.
If it doesn’t have the address for a 30-year-old house in a major metropolitan area, then I just don’t think it’s a viable replacement for Google Maps, unfortunately.
I’m all for swapping apps, but Organic Maps doesn’t even have my home address. And I live in a major metropolitan area.
When they come up with a good replacement for plastic straws, definitely. Again, I’m not in any way trying to say plastic isn’t bad for the environment.
Half sarcastic. This ranks as one of the least harmful things he’s ever done, by far. Mostly because everything else he does is so fucking harmful.
But also, since we’re on the subject: plastic straws don’t have a significant impact on the environment. I’m not saying plastic isn’t bad for the environment, but straws are a rounding error. A single pair of sneakers introduces more plastic into the environment than a lifetime of straws.
The crusade against plastic straws has always been pure virtue signaling. It pisses some people off, makes some people feel good about themselves, and has no measurable impact on the environment.
What Trump is doing is the opposite of virtue signaling. Vice signaling, I guess. But compared to the Gitmo concentration camps, it almost feels like I’m reading good news.
Ok, so what’s the symbol for mobility handicaps excluding wheelchairs?
So what’s the damage here? I can’t find anything about the targets. Is this why my Xbox is having server issues?