So THAT’S what the psychs meant when they said I was living in a state of mental illness…
So THAT’S what the psychs meant when they said I was living in a state of mental illness…
Wouldn’t mind seeing the game come back. Don’t get me wrong, it was pretty shitty. But, for whatever reason, I kept finding myself coming back until there wasn’t a game to come back to anymore. I guess I was charmed by it.
Honestly, if you already have it set up to automate printing the screen and saving it as an image, then seamlessly syncing that file with your phone, I don’t even think you need to worry about making an app or dealing with the phone camera. If you can set that process to trigger on a single button press, that’d be wayyy faster and easier.
Chocolate Eclair. Nice texture. Really scrapes the sides clean.
What the fuck? These assholes stole my catchphrase
I have learned to circumvent this issue by simply never being important enough to be invited to formal events.
It’s worked well thus far, though nobody seems to notice.
I would agree with this. The rational part of me likes to try and eat a sandwich in a 3x3 grid of bites, right-to-left, working my way downward.
But, I’m a wacky, inconsistent li’l bitch, so it almost never works out that way. But, I don’t think I ever exceed 12 bites. That’s a pretty solid ballpark range.
As a certified Orange Enjoyer, it always perplexed me how other kids were always so ready to trade away their orange Starburst.
As someone who also thinks the pink ones are way overrated, though, it ultimately didn’t matter to me, because li’l me was out there making some deals
It was the threat of the bartender reaching for the bat. If the nazi didn’t think there was a chance he’d actually use it, the threat wouldn’t work.
The threat of violence is a deterrent to keep nazis from getting too bold, thinking they can do what they want without repercussion.
Some people think the threat of violent response is overreaction to someone who’s just expressing their ideas. As a bisexual man, I think it’s a pretty even response when those ideas are “hey, what if we rounded up you and everyone like you and marched you off to death camps?”
At the very least, you can never let them believe that you’ll just roll over and let them do it.
Probably a bug I was saving for dinner? I don’t anticipate I’ll have a whole lot to bring with me at that point.
I used to mix it in with fried rice that’d been left sitting out for too long and turned really dry. Gives it some moisture and a vinegary edge, but probably not for everyone, since ketchup’s trademark is stomping all over the subtle flavors of a dish.
When I was in elementary school, I’d dip my pizza crusts in ketchup at lunchtime. I still do that every now and then with Sriracha ketchup
Also, same elementary school lunch: on pizza days, they also used to give us a side of tricolor fusilli straight-up. Just plain pasta without even so much as a little olive oil. So, fuck it. It got blasted with 'chup.
I’m biased towards Y2K from the nostalgia, since those were the prime years of my childhood right before my teenage years kicked in.
But, I love the design of that time because of how obsessed with futurism everything was. It took the future chic look of the mid-late '60s and revamped it, taking that hype for the future- with the Space Race- bringing it back, and updating it for the Information Age.
It felt like we, as a society, had so much optimism for the world that was to come. So, if anything, I think that’s what I’m mostly nostalgic for. I was so excited to grow up in that world. Damn.
Blenders. Gender ephemeral. Intangibles. An even cooler fourth option, probably.
There are tons of cool names you could go with when your identity lies outside of preconceived boundaries (and pretty much transcends them). But, non-binary’s pretty clinical-sounding, so I guess it’s easier to work into a professional setting or something.
Oh! And be sure not to forget the part where Jim Jones then proceeded to turn his gun on himself and take the quick death instead of suffering the way he forced everyone else to.
Funny how often monsters turn out to be cowards as well. History rhymes, I guess.
I’d like to say it’ll be something pithy like “Thank God that’s finally done with,” but, more likely than not, it’ll probably be “Ah, shit, aaaaghhh, fuck, this sucks, God dammit, this hurts like hell, ughhhhh shit,” and then the sounds of me groaning my final breath and softly shitting my pants.
I often wonder why I never see any sites with like a bi/pan mode that just lets it all fly and shows you everything on the site all at once. Having to constantly switch back and forth throws off my battle rhythm.
For real, though. One of the most important things I try to teach anyone when they’re a new smoker is not to let anyone pressure them into that goofy “smoke as much as possible” bullshit.
I’ve known way too many people who hated weed because they would always freak out when they smoked. They almost never seemed to realize it was 'cause they kept trying to fit in and keep up with veteran smokers instead of finding their personal level of comfort and chilling there.
Y’all can smoke yourselves to death if you want. I’m just trying to chill, thanks. ✌️
“You can do it, buddy. Shit your pants!”
I mean, I don’t actually know if people ever say this or not, but you can start if you wanna be a cool trendsetter!
To be fair, from this screenshot, I can’t concretely tell if he’s actually speaking words. He could be staring in the camera going “ma ma ma bababa wiwiwihiiiiiiiii baba” for 10 minutes straight. I turned my phone all the way up, but the picture still doesn’t have sound, so I don’t know :(
Abridged version