so are you arguing that big communist governments such as china and north korea (and in the past soviet union) are not oppressive or their oppressiveness have nothing to do with communist system?
so are you arguing that big communist governments such as china and north korea (and in the past soviet union) are not oppressive or their oppressiveness have nothing to do with communist system?
if you argue that big corrupt governments are a product of the capitalist system, then ill argue big oppressive governments are a product of the communist system
at the end of the day, i think both of these systems can work in theory, the problem is that neither one of these systems are implemented properly
as long fundamental human values such as ethics, morality, justice, equality and democracy are not valued, it doesn’t matter which system you choose, it’s not gonna work
i dont think that is what capitalism tries to be, its just that we have all these big corrupt governments that take things to this point
if you are deaf then how did u read the messages
theres probably more yet to be discovered
yeah sure, in china, you dont have basic human rights and if you request them you die and i think that should not be a thing in the future
also mod removed my comment, the original comment was: “no, infact i think there should not be any china in the future”
they removed bc of rule 1? maybe they thought its racist or smthng idk, i dont have anything against the chinese people, but i just think the chinese government is bad
Removed by mod
why there are no dots after the last numbers
i downvoted bc theres an empty space between the text and the images and also i thought it would be funny
who the fuck is letting their kids watch squid game?
what the actual fuck
i think in a logical society it would have been the other way around (second image would be the first)
is it just me or is that officer looking kinda THICC
child/slave labour is a lot different than a twitter post that you dont agree with
this idea of if you use a product you have to support every belief the company have is absolutely insane, like why can’t you recognize that a company’s products and it’s beliefs are two separate things? yeah the beliefs do effect the product but not all of them (especially not in this case like bro its ceos personal belief), why are we living in a time where you either have to %100 support something or you have %100 be against it? the fact that even a small political stand that someone dont agree with can turn them against a company or even a person is crazy to me
anyway i understand you made this choice and even tho i dont agree with the reasoning ill also provide 2 alternatives for vpn: mullvad and ivpn, both dont require email for account creation and accept monero payment, you probably heard them before
for email i suggest hosting your own if you have the time, there is this great project named docker-mailserver and its really easy to setup, but if you dont want to go through the effort feel free to check numerous alternatives others provided
or maybe they are scared to say that they are oppressed because they know that the app you are talking about is heavily moderated by the government? see
also see
i didn’t grow up in ussr, however another user who did apparently didn’t have the same experience with you and there’s also a wikipedia page for human rights in soviet union which also contradicts your experience: