Wow try being nicer I assure you it doesn’t hurt :)
Wow try being nicer I assure you it doesn’t hurt :)
I was playing Sanibi yesterday, my heart was warmed by the introduction with his daughter playing with the main character. Now I’m just crying all tears, but the game is amazing
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I didn’t watch the whole thing… as the amazing J Cole Says « Nothing New Under The Sun »
You wrote a ransomware?
S Tier for me is Ice cold water mixed with some good peach syrrup and some lemmons.
When he watches memories of his children instead of being in the moment and playing with them lol
As a developer I’m so excited that’s true, but that’s ridiculous the way they portray it as a normal thing to wear it in public lol it’s so eerie
I feel like I’m the only person in this room feeling like it’s kinda dystopian! Do you really want to see those devices become the norm?
With the father filming his children and all that shit we saw in the ad? Let’s live in the present, not through the camera of a device made by mega-corporation.
I’m on the same distro !! Trying to make EVERYTHING perfect
Just for the sake of a beautiful audited and blazingly fast codebase that tuns qo good that Raspberry Pi user can run your stuff too.
I love optimisation!
Don’t worry if they don’t manage to obtain what they want by asking, I’m sure the Chinese government will find a way to force them.
Send help I’m struggling with lifetimes, unbounded channel & implementing EventHandler… <3
This seems kinda fishy :((
I’m too working on a TUI to browse, I’m still struggling with asynchronous render & Rust.
It’s not meant to be a daily drive, hackerman!
WTF? What did you do 😳?
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