The next Lemmy version will automatically rewrite links to the local domain.
Lemmy maintainer
The next Lemmy version will automatically rewrite links to the local domain.
It doesn’t take calls for murder or genocide. In Germany you can have your house raided for posting a meme which calls the minister of economy an idiot. The same minister of economy who doesn’t know what a bankruptcy is, and whose entire working experience is as an author of children’s books.
In another case the office of an opposition newspaper was raided, all their computers and even office chairs were taken away by police. All under the pretense that it was an ordinary association and not protected by freedom of the press. However courts found that this was unjustified, and so police had to carry all the items back inside a few days later.
We use [email protected] to assign new moderators. But redirecting the community to a different instance sounds wrong, because it is by far the biggest datahoarder community with 7k subscribers (compared to 360 on .world).
Ive never met any person named “Lemmy”, nor seen it in any kind of movie. And the first time I heard about Lemmy the musicion was when I searched for Lemmy the software. For me it mostly sounds similar to cute little lemmings.
This would be neat to generate forum avatars, to show something similar to your real face.
No domestic flight, just Europe -> Texas -> Mexico.
Or you guys like to be shouted at. There is no other country that does this.
Not like that, they didn’t let me board my flight from Europe to Texas. Even though I had a connecting flight to Mexico few hours later. Why can’t they have a visa free transit zone like every other country in the world?
I only stopped there for transit on a flight to Mexico. Just before boarding my flight I was told that I need a visa for the US, which is extremely weird because normally airports have transit zones where you don’t need any visa. But apparently the US is special, so you actually have to enter the country before going right back into the airport. This nonsense made me miss my flight.
Also I remember in the airport there was a security guard doing nothing but shouting nonstop that it’s not allowed to carry water. Why not simply put up a sign?
Consider this: half the migrants are collecting welfare, and half of them are taking jobs.
I dont know about you, but our rice cooker seems quite high tech. It can even talk!
You can always use a knife instead.
Why don’t you post about these stories then?
I mean phone number verification like steam does. It’s only one of many possibilities when you are a major company.
Interesting, I never used digg and didn’t know about it’s history. It seems like they could have easily fought back bots with captchas, email verification, phone verification and so on.
I would be happy to give an interview, but so far no media seems particularly interested in Lemmy.
Not sure what more you want to read, but Dessalines and me do AMAs once in a while where we answer all sorts of questions. You can find them in [email protected].
And I don’t work on Jerboa, you have to open an issue for this if there isn’t already.
Dont forget 4: Lemmy was created by a German (me)
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