Speed run to bankruptcy.
Speed run to bankruptcy.
I would argue that they moved to LLMs because they had run out of ideas on actually improving cellphones. It wasn’t that they were distracted by them. They are trying to distract us because they need to cell new phones every year and nothing they’ve come up with is really justifying shelling out $1200 for a phone that’s virtually the same as the previous 3-5 iterations.
Hasbarists are really the best at showing their asses without even knowing they’re doing it.
Sounds very much like a “final solution” if you catch my drift.
Thanks for the gibberish. So many words to say absolutely nothing.
This is a really stupid argument. The thing that makes athletes special is their biology.
There’s a reason that DK Metcalf towers over all of the cornerbacks in the NFL. He’s a biological specimen that has incredible agility, height, muscle mass, and speed.
Michael Phelps also has a biological advantage that very few humans have.
None of this excludes them over their competition.
Fuck Nate Silver.
Experts in the field.
I also work in the industry. In particular I work in data analytics consulting. It’s all hype to sell consulting hours and compute.
AGI is not in reach. We need to stop this incessant parroting from tech companies. LLMs are stochastic parrots. They guess the next word. There’s no thought or reasoning. They don’t understand inputs. They mimic human speech. They’re not presenting anything meaningful.
Not at all. I just mean we need to flood local politics with progressive candidates. When that happens, there’s not enough eyes on all the political posts so chances are greater that we can affect change.
Let’s encourage progressives to actually run.
It’s insane that we don’t have any recourse to sue the US government and Elon musk personally for hacking into our private data.
I honestly think the feud with Elon is fueled by jealousy to be Trumps Nazi.
Conor lamb sucked too.
He’s already barely being kept alive. He’s not doing much of anything on his own.
What a dystopian nightmare we live in right now. Remember when politicians told us we have choices in our healthcare? I guess it says something that insurance CEOs are so hated that they need armed body guards and we’re so happy about “all our choices”.
I hate this place. Jfc. How much lower do we need to sink before this shit crumbles away? This short term greed is just burying this country and everyone knows it but is watching the train derail in real time.
I don’t think they’re mature. I think they’re just monopolized to the point where they don’t need to innovate at all. And I don’t see this as a net positive because these companies are so gigantic that they will drive down salaries and benefits for the rest of the middle sized and smaller sized companies. The other problem is that any company that gets this big now has the purchasing power to eliminate competition further cornering the talent pool and the tech market. These guys are the new oil barons of our time and their oil is our data. Not sure how to see this as anything but negative.
Congrats to the ADL on being Nazi accomplices.