what’s next, hiding airplanes in the clouds?
sooo…you’re saying I’m right
underarmour and adidas shorts and gym clothes for starters, $20 to $30 per unit this year, i bought some for $5 two years ago
the inflation percentage is for the whole economy but seems low for consumer items like tech and clothing which i’d think is what drives black friday, most of those items are up 100% to 200% which would really make a loss yoy with someone clever trying to promote optimism.
i thought that was rule 34 from fight club
is there a word for the example is in the meme?
second rule of figh club is you don’t talk about the golden rule
ok 🤷 i did write IMO
i think this is all fake to save face by everyone doing AI, if the AI boss is down people will stop investing in AI, and bigtech doesn’t want that, IMO. Right here Microsoft came to save the day but they pretty much saved the whole AI industry.
google translate better get cracking
the link is down, can you fix it? i just read that they’re desperate to meet me