How does it work after the API butchering?
How does it work after the API butchering?
Does anyone else
Let me guess – the same people don’t want kids to be able to be opted out of religious stuff in schools
Until the delivery guy gives something to your out-of-practice immune system! Haha
If you don’t count copyright infringement as illegal, then yeah, uploading a Disney clip or song, or Beatles music. That’s probably the fastest way (on something like YouTube).
If you’re talking about anywhere/Lemmy, then just upload a post like “…?” to a popular AskLemmy community. It’ll probably get removed fairly quickly, and the ? Will help it bypass any filter that takes down anything not ending with a question mark.
Of course, if auto removals are ok, then just upload something with a banned keyword or try posting “…” to an AskLemmy community to trigger a bot that may remove posts not ending in “?”.
I’ve never met anyone in person who’s even heard of Lemmy. Well, at least whenever it’s brought up 😅
I don’t think there’s any filtering going on at this stage.
I imagine it’s still in the training phase. It’ll look at who gets selected vs. who gets left, and learns about what kind of resumes the hiring team tends to prefer.
It’ll also probably be comparing the success of who opts into tracking vs. who declines.
I could also see it following along later – did this employee meet expectations? Did they quit early? Did they get fired? Etc.
It’s likely not going to impact OP, but it will likely mean that AI will be able to be as bad at making decisions as whomever sorts through them! Lol
(Not a dig at any position or role…resumes and interviews are generally not a good assessment of competency for most jobs)
it escalates into an emergency, at which point you don’t really need dopamine to deal with it anymore, now that you have adrenaline.
Oh, that’s why that happens
And be angry at the fire for interrupting you? And forget what the comment was about and just send it, hoping the response made sense but it doesn’t matter anyway because you forgot what the comment you were replying to is about and what the post was about and hey let’s open another app?
ADHD can feel like you’re putting in 350% of effort 100% of the time but only achieving 50% of what others achieve, and then being treated like you only put in 10%.
My whole childhood & life before diagnosis, my intelligence and literally everything am good at was used as proof up career & academic & household stuff out of spite.
The paradox of #ADHD - being excellent at complex, high-stimulus tasks and fuck- all at routine, “easy” tasks was a weapon in the hands of parents, teachers, & employers and a constant abusive echo in my brain.
What internalized was that accomplishments that were fun or that came easy to me had no value, only the ones that involve effort “count.” But the things that involved the most effort for me were mundane tasks that came easy to others, so they had no value, either.
ADHD involves SO many micromoments of shame. Stepping Over the pile of laundry. Re- remembering the bill you still haven’t paid. The sink full of dishes and the fridge leftovers lurking in the back. The small but recurring should have" is cumulative and it’s painful.
The last one’s text wasn’t "Select"able on my phone
Elon Musk is technology because he’s powered by AI (but without the dataset to back it)
I wore N95/KF94 masks for air pollution before I wore them for COVID. It was an easy transition for me. Interesting that it’s a COVID advocacy group and not just “people with masks” or “people from Asian countries with lots of air pollution” lol
To draw a comparison, I don’t think anyone would rightly be angry at the firefighters in Nazi Germany even if they put out fires that engulfed Nazi homes.
Oh, the building maintenance technician also works for the evil company, and you’re asking if they’re just as guilty as the software engineer that worked to create the evil product?
I think Alabama is one where the feeling is mutual.
I wonder what Hawaii and Alaska would think.
Which state is the Weakest Link?
What’s the context here? I know people say lawyers are evil, but I’ve never heard people say building maintenance technicians are evil just because of the job they do…lol
What made you buy your monitor?
Having a monitor at all has plenty of killer apps: Anything that it displays that you want to use that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise without a monitor.
But your particular monitor? Well, it looks like the Apple VR thing is about 10x to 20x the price of a basic VR headset. Is your particular monitor 10x to 20x the cost of a regular monitor? If so, there probably is some killer app that made you get a fancy monitor. And maybe it’s something that no other monitor can do… otherwise, why spend 10x to 20x as much?
If the Apple VR thing also has a computer built in (and its own specialized software), then comparing it to a monitor isn’t accurate. It’s not a peripheral when it’s a standalone device.
The conclusion I draw from this is that people don’t like having to wear special glasses or a device strapped to their face, even if it is relatively cheap to produce.
Bingo. I often used the 3D on the 3DS, but that’s because I didn’t have to do anything other than not move the device around too much. So it worked for gaming at home, not on/in a vehicle.
I’d ask what it is, but I know the conversion doesn’t make sense unless it’s -40