Uber driver
Uber driver
I would go kde plasma everyday. I always find little things that limit what I am trying to do on cinnamon.
Not big things, little trivial things. An example is wireless hotspot. I cannot change the password through the gui. Why? Dunno. Deal breaker? No. But those are the little things that kde has right.
Not sure about xmpp, but definitely matrix
I’m using cinnamon, but want to use the new plasma on a debian based distro. But nothing is supporting it out of the box just yet.
But yes, there are a lot
Beeper can bridge those into a matrix chat. Then at least you can chat with people who or on a privacy related one as well as the heathens in Facebook messenger
Broadcast versus on demand.
Cable sends the sane data to everyone at the same time. So it is something like, read from the hard drive once. Send it out once. Everywhere it goes, it is just the same thing replicated to each and every reciever, no changes, just copy and paste.
Streaming is different. Every piece of information sent is basically unique, you need to send each piece of information perfectly, you need to read from the hard drive thousands of times, as everyone is watching something different, you need to send unique information to the right location perfectly and in order and at the right time. If it goes wrong, you get buffering.
Cable and Broadcast, no buffer ing, but no choice.
Streaming, choice but with buffering
True, plenty if aerospace engineers though
Unpaid overtime because of passion? Or that they must or find a new job?
I am trying FUTU board. Not sure if it has gifs tho8gh…
Yep, this is what we use. I always found the others too prescriptive. I don’t need to add the type, size or brand of cheese, I just want to put cheese, and me or my wife knows what sort of cheese to buy.
If we need something specific, you can add that detail too.
Super quick, super simple. I would love a self hosted alternative, bit there is nothing as simple that I have found.
How nice of them, I asked them to add links to the apps, as I don’t know what they are by the name.
Thanks :)
Yep! There is a great post on Lemmy about hot to get ebooks from irc
Fun little device for LoRa based messaging
Damn about the spinelli character…
Definitely judging book by covers. But entertaining read never the less
Phone track is on fdroid and uses owntracks format. I use it with a custom api, but it is build for nextckoud.
That was a fun read . Thanks :)