Wait, are you implying that this internet meme might not be realistic?
Wait, are you implying that this internet meme might not be realistic?
Surely they are playing with fire now, right? The French Revolution happened in part because the oligarchy became so brazen about things.
That’s literally the plot of Stardew Valley. Leaving the world of digital work in favor of something more tangible is a dream come true for many of us.
I mean, yeah. Potentially harmful but otherwise useless materials? I try to reduce those whatever possible.
Oof, the back of those cards is designed as a shooting target. So much for plausible deniability.
Probably technically falls under free speech regardless.
In the completely unhinged dub of the anime “Ghost Stories”, they make a throwaway joke about how Bush is stacking the courts to oppress minorities. Sad and scary how relevant that joke is 25 years later.
And if it still doesn’t work, apply a hydraulic press (may reduce reuse potential but will definitely be exciting).
I wonder how the history books will look back on this. Will there someday be a Rosa Parks of pooping?
Of course it’s not a military company, it’s an espionage company.
Up in flames amirite?!
About time the housing market there got a correction, I guess.
Not sure how this is anything more than a high tech tamagatchi with titties.
Even curation seems unlikely to fix the problem. I bet a new algorithm is required that allows LLMs to validate their response before it’s returned. Basically an “inner monologue” to avoid saying stupid things.
Protests must cause inconvenience or they are simply ignored.
Damn, that was a lot more intense than I expected, but the man speaks the truth!
Bet you could hack one of these together with a Raspberry Pi plus camera module. Not exactly a low effort project though.
It takes a lot of guts to omit the /s these days. You can never be quite sure who’s funny and who’s just an idiot.
Celeste is pretty cute but can get quite difficult if you try to complete everything.
Sadly it hasn’t been proven in court yet that copyright even matters for training AI.
And we damn well know it doesn’t for Chinese AI models.
US just trying to stop China from getting a culture victory in this game of Civ.