Which standard should I be looking into if I want a second AP/device that connects to the “main” router wirelessly, that extends the network range. I live in an apartment and can’t run Ethernet.
Which standard should I be looking into if I want a second AP/device that connects to the “main” router wirelessly, that extends the network range. I live in an apartment and can’t run Ethernet.
What GPU are you using? What influenced you to add “Oibaf PPA” instead of using the default built in Mesa drivers that came with Mint? No judgement, just trying to figure out what led you here, so we can unravel it. Because as the other poster mentioned, Vulkan for Amd should have worked out of the box on a fresh install.
Edit, to clarify, did you add the repo because you thought that mint didn’t have drivers and that was the way to get them? Or was there a different reason you needed to add the repo?
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=thirst traps
The author isn’t using thirsty, like you’re thirsty for water. They are using the slang version.
I can see how you would misunderstand without knowing that.
Thank you for the video, I’ll check it out!