“He only had one dick and one stomach”
Ben Elton
These losses mean nothing to these people.
“He only had one dick and one stomach”
Ben Elton
These losses mean nothing to these people.
His blood was worth bottling.
I only got mine yesterday. It felt nice to be included.
Douglas Adams was a gift to humanity.
“See first, think later, then test. But always see first” is a good one.
Oof. I felt that.
The more magic switch perhaps?
The last paragraph feels like this
Many people say so. I don’t know. Edit: the second bit, not the illegal bit.
It is less than ideal.
I only hope that it gets people used to the idea that you can leave a platform and the sky wont fall down. Sooner or later these guys will try a federated service and learn that protocols > platforms (in this case activitypub).
You monster!
Is no one going to mention SpOnGeBoB CaPs?
Careful, they’ll do emojis next.
Difficult to extinguish you say?
Good question - I don’t know.
Perhaps its more about
beinghaving the biggestdicknumber relative to others.Perhaps its something to do with power.
The Ben Elton reference was to a book (stark) set in the 80s.