When things go wrong? When things go right for coal and gas plants, the “boom” is a humanity-threatening event that already in its extremely early stages has been named the Holocene Extinction.
When things go wrong? When things go right for coal and gas plants, the “boom” is a humanity-threatening event that already in its extremely early stages has been named the Holocene Extinction.
this is some of the wackiest Zionist bullshit I’ve seen of all time, what the entire fuck
My understanding is that it means going, loosely, to the opposite side of the state of the major metropolitan area in that state. Upstate NY is the northwest part, upstate MA is the west part, upstate PA is the northeast part. I’m looking around, and it seems to also 1) only be used on a few states, 2) usually is on the north half (but not always), and 3) is somewhat interchangable with “rural”.
Whether or not this is true, which I’m not going to address, DPRK is 1) not a settler colonial state, 2) not doing apartheid, and 3) not in the process of growing their own borders into neighboring territory, which are three very large and important differences to consider no matter how you feel about DPRK
don’t we more or less know that this happened to hundreds of Israelis?
this is just how it’s supposed to go when you have a thing like the Hannibal Directive
It’s because you’re not using the same muscle groups. Simply set the pickle jar on the ground, put your power foot on the jar, grip the lid, and heave with your entire lower back and glutes in the open direction
why even bother denying the apartheid allegations? Just own it Bibi, it’s not like anyone will hold you accountable
imagine a world more complicated than a good guys/bad guys dichotomy
give us one singular solitary good reason we should have empathy for this decrepit, cheating, silver spoon mouthed, tax leeching, sex pest, waste of money and attention
I kind of think you’d have a different tune if this were Putin to be honest, wanna talk about why? In my mind, all of the appeals to civility are just status quo worship veiled in “human decency” that 1) doesn’t consider the good that would be brought to the world by his passing and 2) isn’t extended to anyone outside of the status quo power structure.
There’s also a pity mechanic in which your chances of waking up on a Wednesday increase the longer it’s been since the last time
who could have seen this coming? surely not the south Vietnamese, the south Koreans, or any of the other militaries the united states propped up until it became clear that they weren’t going to win
Not only is @[email protected] right, but additionally, this article is extremely biased in favor of Xorg and is much more of a (completely unfair and one-sided) take-down of Wayland oriented at technical folks and not at all an explainer for laypeople
There’s one key thing that he also said he wouldn’t let stop him:
I wonder why they left out of the headline that he also said that he wouldn’t let The Hague stop him 🤔
it must be nice, living a life so simple that you can build your reality by only listening to the people who come from a place you like.
the racist thing is Americans calling literally any other country in the world “authoritarian” because the way they do it doesn’t involve police apprehending you for failing to pay your Big Mac microloan
America has 4% of the world population and 25% of it’s prison population. Over a quarter of our prisoners are held with no trial and a majority are held on nonviolent charges. America has the largest military in the world and has used it to exact more death than any other nation on the planet today. America has the Patriot Act, the TSA, the CIA, and the FBI. Any discussion about authoritarianism that does not start and end with America is an unfounded attack on every other nation mentioned, and that’s usually gonna be american exceptionalism and prejudice against whoever the other nation is.
Social credit, insofar as it actually exists, is barely any different from a criminal record, and certainly less restrictive than that combined with a FICO score and an advertiser’s profile.
things people who invoke holodomor on an hourly basis say
social credit is just gen Xs’ and millennials’ rebrand of orientalism and yellow peril. Boomers just called it called it China’s tentacles. It’s beaten to death and it wasn’t funny when it was brand new. Find new material to veil your orientalism please, this one’s all used up
regardless of what you think of him, Deng Xiaoping was the guy in a way that pretty much no other human is gonna be for the unfolding of the 21st century