i agree, although the debris definitely left the exclusion zone, as shown by the large number of flights impacted, and spacex setting up a found debris hotline.
i agree, although the debris definitely left the exclusion zone, as shown by the large number of flights impacted, and spacex setting up a found debris hotline.
you could buy some ip space and setup bgp to peer with hurricaine electric or a local exchange and then be an integral part of the internet, essentially being your own ISP.
in a year from now, ceo’s will probably have a bit more private security and do less walking around in cities at 6 in the morning alone. I agree with you on the rest though
I mean it might be more secure, it might be less secure, we just can’t read through the source for windows, so we won’t know until linux is attacked as much as windows. It would (will?) definitely be interesting to find out.
freecad is horrible, not really worth trying.
I’ve heard of people getting fusion 360 running great with a snap, but others say it has issues. the github for it is being actively maintained, so thats a good sign at least.
I tried to get siemens solid edge working through wine, but it was mostly broken and I didn’t dig too deep into troubleshooting, I just dualboot windows for fussy programs and anticheats
ok but the real interesting stuff like reading hand writing from a paralyzed person imagining writing it and etc are all only for actual electrodes in brains.
I wanna see some even more insane FPV drones. theres always some battery breakthrough though, so I don’t wanna get my hopes up.
you can spoof wifi networks, too
Your point makes sense, but an epoxy submersible definitely wouldn’t make it down to the titanic intact even once, and there are some ways fibers could be put in tension by compressing the cylinder, so the CF was doing something, its just complicated. They shouldve just built a normal submersible though.
i dunno, too many teenagers have pretty much no concerns about (online) privacy at all
reminds me of geowizards episodes geolocating vacation photos for fun. this one was insane, similar in detail to the photo in the tweet
why do we need to drop hyprland over the lead dev’s views, they are pretty bad, but its an open source project, and I joined the discord server and didn’t immediately see any issues. vaxry even made a point of saying that they will accept PRs as long as they are good quality, regardless of personal views.
and the engines aren’t even really boeing responsibility, its the engine manufacturers.
yes, but you can only download from peers with port forwarding enabled, and you can also only upload to port forwarding peers, so generally its fine for downloading, but if you want to keep ratio (uploading) on a private tracker you need port forwarding
reminds me of this video that shows how they reverse engineered the macbook touchbar display and made their own driver. I bet a tv is harder, but I’ve wondered the same thing, and would be interested to see someone try.
allen pan. looks like him though, and allen almost became a mythbuster!
this is wild. people who use open source software are a small small minority, and its good to have a diverse group of friends, not a tiny insulated group of the internet. dropping a friend over their choice of messaging app is pathetic
Why should that be illegal?? It’s definitely disgusting, but if the paid customers don’t want to see ads (they don’t), then they will leave. I don’t see how or why to make it illegal to show ads to paid users.
edit: I didn’t really say that right, I just think that this is a complex problem, and saying “oh just make it illegal” is not a realistic solution. Some antitrust regulation is good for innovation, some more might be worse for innovation, and we need to be realistic about that, and not just act like we can regulate it all and then there will be 5 competing discords or whatever.
i think i’ve seen it used to demo different image compression algorithms, things like that. it was used as an easy example test image, but this journal has now banned papers from using it because it is weird and creepy to be using cropped porn for that. this won’t benefit the model, but she was only pushing to ban it because she wants more women in IT fields.
its from terry davis, the schizophrenic talented developer who wrote his own OS (TempleOS) from scratch as one of gods temples or something, however he was pretty racist and delusional, so would see “glowies” of CIA agents or whatever trying to get him, and now the term is used for people suspecting others of being federal agents