Very brave of them to do their jobs
Your mom!
A lot of people concerned about water but if it’s not very hot and you’re not sweating too much 48 hours shouldn’t be a problem.
Half of these posts are just inverse statements trying to shit on America. Very boring.
It was awesome. Definitely worth the watch for anyone that can get over the ending. Maybe if you know it’s bad going into it you won’t be as disappointed 😂
Game of thrones. They should have ended it when they caught up to the books. Just leave it unfinished. That’s not satisfying but better than what we got.
It makes sense to just have one machine that employees have to maintain and refill. Sounds like you can still ask for a refill.
Go to 7/11 if you want to make your gross soda combos lol
Nothing beats the thrill of watching those images load line by line!
Did the implosion cause the reveal?
Yes probably not the best advice. Edited so it’s clear it’s only a joke.
Could smoke some weed. Maybe the cotton mouth will cancel out the drooling.
Edit: only joking of course!
Does Trump have to be present for the whole thing? My adhd is getting triggered just thinking about sitting still for a 4 month trial. Good luck orange dude 😂
Maybe you don’t always have to be right? Is this coming from people just trying to have a casual conversation? When I’m in that situation I usually just say something basic like “oh interesting!” then move the conversation in a different direction.
Ahh figured it would cover that lol. Thanks!
Wow good job Texas! What if they never graduate high school though 😂
Flash storage has come a long way in 10 years!
The jump comes from a low base as the EU did not import significant amounts of LNG before the war in Ukraine due to its reliance on piped gas from Russia.
Always read the articles people!
I think Reddit is dysfunctional because people are dysfunctional. My hope is to be able to address that by improving people’s health & function via the gut microbiome.
Umm… what?
A deduction isn’t a handout. You don’t get free money you didn’t already earn.