Thank you so much for sharing the video! I really enjoyed it, and I’m excited to check out more videos from him. I took a quick look at the other videos he’s uploaded, and they look really interesting.
Avatar by TheWhyvern and banner through prodia.com and photopea.com
Thank you so much for sharing the video! I really enjoyed it, and I’m excited to check out more videos from him. I took a quick look at the other videos he’s uploaded, and they look really interesting.
Ahh, I see. Excellent 😁 Thanks a lot for the info! I’m excited to look into it.
That is so interesting! I never would’ve guessed Obsidian for file storage. I’ll have to look into that! Thanks for sharing. Did you use any resources online in setting it up, or did you already know how to go about it?
That sounds really cool! How’d you do it?
In the same vein, with my family I’ve been using the analogy of “Imagine that all law enforcement had a key to your home, and they could enter at any time and look through your things, but you wouldn’t even know it if they did, or if they took photos or recorded videos of your place to take with them. Their argument is that the only way to keep you and your stuff safe from the bad guys is for the good guys to have access. But because the good guys now have access, it’s also easier for the bad guys to get in, because now there’s all these extra keys to your home out there, which might fall into the hands of the bad guys.”
Not a perfect analogy, but it seems to make them consider the issue from a more personal angle. And for those that argue, “Well, I don’t have anything to hide.”, I usually counter with “Then why do you close your curtains/blinds when you change your clothes or get out of the shower?” With my dad who grew up during the World War II, it also helped to mention that a law like this, once on the books, will not be easy to overturn, and while he might be fine with our current regime having access to all his data, that might not be the case with future authorities.
Haha! Ah, I feel that. We often have to break up her videos into a multiple-days-watch, because of the length and discussions they inspire.
I love me some ContraPoints and Philosophy Tube. Whenever ContraPoints releases a new video, it’s like a big movie night for me and my girlfriend.
Interesting, I’d never heard of Kavita, so have just been using Calibre all these years. Did you start out on Kavita, or did you move from Calibre, or another software?
aegis for Age of Empires II. Instant building, gathering, research, etc. And of course marco for revealing map and polo to remove fog of war. cheese steak jimmy’s for extra food and lumberjack for extra wood. I always struggled to manage those two resources. But even more importantly, how do you turn this on, for that cool siege sports car.
Man, I played a lot of AoE as a child and teenager.
That honestly sounds really cool. Thanks for sharing!
What kinda animals can you make? Are there some that you excel at in particular that are out of the more ordinary repertoire?
Music, without a doubt. Specifically, being able to choose particular songs to listen to. I’d get pretty miserable after a few days.
Also, outside the US WhatsApp is some kind of standard the way rich Americans think iMessage is. Companies will ask her to contact them on WhatsApp, so she’ll have to have it regardless of your personal involvement.
That really depends on the country that the family member is moving to, and is not an absolute thing world-wide.
That sounds so cool, until I realize that I wouldn’t understand anyone around me. It’d still be amazing to see everything, but it’d be even better if I could have some subtitles as well. To be fair, I’d have much the same issue, if I were to go back to London of that year.
It took me around 18 years to find the song, It’s a Rainy Day by Ice MC (YouTube link), which I rediscovered last year.
My older sister used to buy a lot of different compilation albums, think stuff like “Now That’s What I Call Music! (Wikipedia link)”. I started listening to a lot of them, when I was around 6-7 years old, and while Eurodance songs like Rhythm Is a Dancer by Snap!, Be My Lover by La Bouche, Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic (YouTube links), and so on, were easy to track down throughout the years, there was always one song I couldn’t find.
I couldn’t even remember any lyrics, only that there was some rapping, where the dialect made it impossible for my child brain to absorb and retain any words. The only thing that I remembered was that there would be sentences ending with an “eh eh”, and that’s really not a lot to go on!
Until one day, when I was walking around a store and they started playing it over the sound system. I didn’t even realize at first, but when that organ hit at 0:21, I literally snapped my head up towards the speakers, hahaha. Finding out that he was rapping in Jamaican Patois, it suddenly made a lot more sense why I hadn’t retained any of the words.
Apparently they also used the song during the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony (Wikipedia link), which is wild to find out.
Yeah, that’s probably not too far off actually, haha. I just really enjoy a larger screen more. Maybe if I get one of those fancy foldable phones one day, it’ll get way higher.
I’m okay with this, but I think my PC screen time would look pretty bad :')
Was it Queen of the Clouds? I like Lady Wood and Blue Lips too, but QOTC is just such a “leave it on, no need to skip any tracks” album for me. Such a vibe.
As far as I know, that’s just always how it’s been for markdown, which is what Lemmy uses. So in order to be sure that your comment looks the way you want it to, it’s a good idea to use the Preview function, which Voyager thankfully also has under the 3 dots menu in the lower right.
@[email protected] also mentioned that you can put two spaces at the end of each word, and then it’ll count the one enter as a proper line break.
Like this. You can also do as I did, and just put a dash in front of everything, and then it’ll turn into an unordered list.
An argument could also be made that Firefox and its forks have low-enough marketshare that websites that depend on ad revenue won’t want to deal with the extra work of keeping those users out.