Charming to the last. You don’t know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life!
Charming to the last. You don’t know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life!
Oh, he’s not dead, not… not yet.
Gotta go for the ventrillo rofflecopter going soi soi.
Counterpoint: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgism from the original progressive
Marx was not a fan.
Yo, the title is much better than the image. Good job.
Which I don’t have a problem with. Having vastly different moderation policies can create a walled garden, but there are instances where a walled garden is just preferable. See how askhistorians was handled. It’s better to have a platform that you can shape to your needs and the potential needs of your users. If it’s truly useless, then nobody would use it
Terms of use are plainly stated by these sites. They consider it stealing.
I consider it more trespassing than stealing myself.
it’s not like we keep dogs because we mistakenly think they’re small noisy excitable people
You sure about that, hoss?
It’s about as common as a tsunami and giant tortoises in sub Saharan Africa.
The fun part is the security exploits often come from things like DRM ink cartridges that allows an attack to come from the goddamn cartridge!
Wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t include a serial connection to the cartridge in the first place!
Wouldn’t work out. Bleach isn’t toxic, it’s just basic depending on how concentrated it is and a bleaching agent of course.
No, Bolton doesn’t see anything wrong with being a viscous warmongering bastard. He wouldn’t consider his reputation as needing cleaned. He’d argue for the US to put boots on the ground in Ukraine and annex it with indirect rule. His type is the ones that Russia uses as boogymen to justify their imperialism as “fear of NATO.”
Fuck Amazon but it would be nice if we had an FDA to get rid of this crank magnet health product that WIRED is promoting.
Not the onion?
It’s etymologically indicated that it’s descendent from hot pot, which is also a method of cooking several ingredients in one pot and serving from that pot vs serving individual bowls. It’s called a hot pot because it’s served from a pot that is hot (as it’s the cooking vessel you boiled everything in). Not because the resulting soup is hot. Itself descendent from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pot-au-feu (pot on fire)and similar European dishes (not the Chinese version which we usually mean when we say hot pot nowadays).
That’s just their probable cause to enter the property and search. The bar on that is incredibly low and they’d likely have succeeded with the bodies alone and not just the door unlocked.
We’ll have to destroy them ship to ship. Get the crews to their fighters.