Analogue camcorder with video out then.
Analogue camcorder with video out then.
Corvids aren’t against eating other birds (jays make slaughtering nestlings a pastime) and chickens aren’t against eating other chickens. Overall I consider it morally neutral from the crow perspective.
Would be nice if the dude just went ahead and dove into taoist alchemy instead of trying to create a veneer of actual science.
Put it in a pot, add water, filter it, evaporate the water: you’ve got potash. Not a lot of it, mind, but any not salt loving plant is going to create potassium carbonate when you burn it. The salt lovers create soda ash aka washing soda or sodium carbonate.
Well by definition is diabetes. Not necessarily diabetes mellitus, but diabetes.
This means that legally, a jury can say GTFO to jury instructions set by judges.
Only when it comes to acquittals though, which aren’t appealable. Those decisions can and will be reversed in civil cases or if people convict inappropriately. You mentioned as much by noting double Jeopardy but I still think it’s an important distinction that makes it irregular.
I don’t like progressive used that way because historically progressivism was just about an ideology that was results driven and often independent of other labels. There were progressive conservatives like Teddy Roosevelt and the Nelson Rockefeller Republicans in America (though the progressive conservatives in Canada are anything but). They were fundamentally centrist liberals though, essentially a watered down evolution of the historical French radical liberalism/radical whigs. Merkel, for example, called herself a progressive and she was a Christian Democrat.
Yeah but under Doug Ford? Dudes a moron who’s made it his personal mission to spend money to remove bike lanes.
English is the weird one of the Indo European languages in dropping grammatical gender. Or if you look at it from Persians perspective, we don’t go far enough because we still have gendered pronouns.
You’d think the tariffs would be a big booster for them. BYD cars would kill them, but so would BYD batteries used by other automakers.
I’m actually trained in this. I went to school and this was a topic and then I passed a test and got a license. My name is registered on a state database and I put letters behind my signature. I’m an expert on shit.
Henry didn’t care about Arab states so much as wanted to import them to be his cheap labor. He hated Jews but I’m sure he would’ve preferred gazans to be refugees so they’d work in his factories for nothing.
Only issue you might find with signing up for world is you can’t get db0’s piracy communities. I’ve been too lazy to switch since coming from kbin though myself.
It’s still an algorithm.
One of the big things driving interaction is that Lemmy’s default comment sorting algorithm is a bit backwards to reddit’s. As long as you get upvoted once, newer comments will appear at the top. So even if you participate late in a discussion, you’re likely going to get responded to by other latecomers.
Well as long as it’s not zooz or God forbid Zeus.
So you’re saying it’s pronounced zoo-ex, zoo-ox, or zooks but not zo-ox. Thanks for clearing that up.
I identify with this unironically as a low conscientiousness male feminist.
Doesn’t stop you from adding modified corn starch to it until it’s a weak tomato pudding/gravy. Wait, that’s what they already do. High quality ketchup was originally a jam (reduction of tomato fruit).
That’s called eternal September.