rmmod b43
rmmod bcma
rmmod wl
modprobe wl
rmmod b43
rmmod bcma
rmmod wl
modprobe wl
This the first time I have seen someone say apt is better than pacman.
Thank you.
I had to uninstall thermal monitor applet. Is there a thermal applet for Plasma 6?
I realisad when I was trying to install a package, I don’t remember what package I wanted to install.
deleted by creator
You can sync Floorp with Firefox Android or Mull.
Can’t read. It says you need an account.
I wonder what the answer is for Linux.
I searched but couldn’t find because of my poor English. Thank you very much.
I tried different commands but none of them worked, I think it’s not about assigned command.
I don’t know how to trigger SP actions with external commands. That’s why I asked.
I didn’t know that. Thank you.
Floorp is not bad but I think it delays in receiving updates. I get “no ad blockers allowed” warnings on YouTube.
Nice trick, thanks.
Thank you.
I have a friend who sets his alarms one hour earleir just for snoozing.
My friends and colleagues won’t stop using WhatsApp, even with full screen ads.
I installed Arch on Macbook Air 2017 by applying this. I did these steps right after set keyboard, and after this I connect with iwd.