You forgot no safer than a ford pinto.
You forgot no safer than a ford pinto.
It’s more effective than mandating it and forcing health care companies to pay for it. /Sarcasm in case anyone was wondering
I see three main types of people that voted for trump, the easily duped, racists and the rich that don’t care how they get their money. If someone tells me they voted for this guy I loose all respect for them. I’m sure that there’s some one issue voters out there but I would lump them into the first category. I have even less respect for someone that doesn’t like trump but did not vote.
I’m at a loss of what to even do. I would like to see the dnc grow a pair of balls and take on these monsters. I would like to see the dnc organize a national boycott on any company even closely tied to musk and trump. The protests are fine to show solidarity but the people in charge will not see it. Hitting the companies in the wallet that are helping musk and trump destroy our country would be a good cause IMHO.
We never go to Walmart because of their politics. Then Target pulls this and it’s not the first time either. They caved on the pride stuff then the LGBT community got pissed. Not sure why they did it. Did they think trumpy grumpies were going to go there over Walmart? They should of embraced the boycott and ran as a company that prides itself against haters but I’m not in business so what do I know
It worked with coffee I’m sure they will find something.
If only there was a candidate that said this would happen. Where is the prince from Nigeria when you need some gullible people.
If the Republicans actually admit they are wrong and got a majority not to certify the election what would happen?
Are they baffled that he kept his promise to put his supporters in charge so he could do whatever he wants or the Democrats were right?
The only thing that would surprise me is if trump hired someone that was descent and or qualifications for the job.
Holy crap I watched this movie when I was a kid and never got the joke. I really lived under a rock back then.
I swear I remember my social studies teacher saying one reason for the electoral college is to prevent someone like Trump. The founding fathers didn’t want to trust the popular vote in case the masses got duped. With the polarization of the parties there’s little chance of voting for the other person happening. There are some state laws that force them to vote for their candidate but I’m not sure how many states have the faithless electors clause.
Of course we got Trump because of the electoral college he lost the popular vote.
The more these uncompromising GOP house members are voted out the better for the nation.
South Park called it long ago and it still fits. It fits with Hillary and Trump back in 2016 and today. It’s a choice between a shit sandwich and a douche bag. They just missed the part where one is hell bent on destroying our democracy and then added a season with Mr Garrison as president.
Now we are repeating history and might put “Garrison” in charge again. I never liked history but I didn’t think we were this dumb it hasn’t even been a decade but that’s more to do with brain washing
I’ve never been there because of their politics.
If this is the purple one I think I’m paying 250 per 120 puffs until the premium is reached.
We have to fund the pharma execs some how, their yachts have gone up in price too.
He hates this name. I try to use it when I refer to him. Any vote for Trump is a vote for a stronger Russia and a weaker US, as I’m sure most of you know.
Wendy’s was the first to try market price for fast food. I’ve heard of market price for lobster but never for crappy food.
They are getting a lot of press lately and I’m sure the kids would benefit from another view point especially in such a back water place like Florida.
Pray the measles away does have a catchy tune. I feel bad for the kids that are about to die, not their fault.
Vote with your wallet. Try not to buy from the big companies if you can help it. It used to be a pain doing this but with a password manager it’s easy to create another account and don’t save your CC on the site if it’s just a one time purchase.
Protesting is fine to let others know they are not alone but the people in charge will not care or see it.