I really think shorts should have a separate recommendation algorithm. Cause the type of videos I watch are way different than the shorts I watch but now my feed is changing
I really think shorts should have a separate recommendation algorithm. Cause the type of videos I watch are way different than the shorts I watch but now my feed is changing
I don’t understand
Welp it’s what happens when people love being controlled
Well you buy apple products so you already had a bunch of e-waste
Ye most definitely
That’s why you just use a community run distro. Also if the kernel it self gets enshittified then I’m sure there will be a fork someone will make. Heck right now there’s the libre kernel that is just the Linux kernel with no proprietary blobs
What took you so long?!
Seriously tho it’s always good to see people switch over
Do you all think that if the market share gets high enough we’ll see ports of professional software like autocad or adobe?
In all other Bethesda games I only have minor bugs because of mods to fix a majority of them. I’m not buying star field for another 2 months at least because I’ve played previous Bethesda games and I rather buy it once it works
Who has those?
Nvidia has been notoriously bad for Linux on the desktop. Linus Tolvalds has commented about their lack of support here and it has gotten better since then but not by much. Nvidia doesn’t like to play nice they only do things their way
Can I take it?
I’ve been using bash forever maybe I should try zsh
I was just thinking to myself if it was possible to have more threads than 2 for each core. I guess this answers that but I didn’t know you could have that many per core!
Why isn’t it more common to have like 4 threads per core?
For me zram made my system more responsive but the oomd didn’t really count it as more ram so sometimes things would get killed earlier than I’d want. ZRAM + regular swap fixed this unless an application was getting really greedy. I kinda wanna try all three now
I haven’t seen that much hentai, just regular porn. What communities have you been seeing with hentai? So I can uh stay away from them