Ronald Reagan did that first for this particular line of work.
Ronald Reagan did that first for this particular line of work.
When Trump held a campaign event at Arlington Cemetery, and a soldier tried to stop cameras etc from going in, Steven Cheung is the one who shoved her aside, and later said that she was obviously suffering from some sort of mental episode.
÷ 2 = ~$5,000
… after the layers get their half.
“Perfect phone call.”
Exactly. This is a 60s thing, not a 70s thing.
Let’s have all three. They are not conflicting goals.
From reading the text, I speculate that Franklin was alluding to the preexisting saying as well – alluding to the cat in the dark as an accepted axiom.
Sorry – it is a reference to Monty Python, where a father is trying to get his son to marry.
Edit: as one of your honorary fathers, I advise you to go watch the movie, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.”
NaoPb! You must marry this girl! She has huge … tracts of land!
And no singing!
Not since about 25 years ago. It was spun off from PepsiCo in 1997. And in fact it was not called Yum until sometime later than that – it was never Yum under PepsiCo.
Edit to add: I still don’t go there, of course.
What do non-Americans think it is?
That seems to illustrate the point that LadyLikesSpiders was making – quite nicely.
That’s a separate issue from pay scales. Quality of the courseware should be enforced by the institution regardless of pay rates.
But I am also curious, which campus is this?
I assume, albeit with no proof, that they are being threatened, e.g. “w e know where your kids go to school.”