Right there with you. She’s amazing. Plans all our trips. Organizes the kids. Lets me do the things I do best. Perfect travel buddy. To wives!🍻
My wife.
I know it’s small, but I made up with my wife and told her I don’t like being treated the was she acted. I asked her to talk more with me about what she needs rather than bottle it up. We have some healing, but I feel like it’s an upward swing.
This is absolutely true. I get more information and understanding from the discussion in the comments than I do the article. Using other platforms I want to read what people are discussing about the article than the article itself. Brings more depth to the conversation and the article.
07 Toyota Tacoma. Sold it with 190k miles on it. It was an amazing truck, but we needed something bigger.
Hey! This is mine!
Lessons in Chemistry.